| Chapter 10 |

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As she slowly drifted off into the simulation, I walk back to the observation screen before disposing of the needle that had the serum.

I quickly went back to the screen which will project what she sees in her mind during the simulations. The scene and her actions will tell me which fears are worse than others, allowing me to take notes to fill in her file.

Files are necessary to know what I need to look out for and what I can use to make her obey, without us getting caught. So for us, it's quite important. And lying is quite punishable for obvious reasons.

I regard the screen and see her in a dark room all alone. A single candle sits in the middle of the room and she crawls over to it. She admires the light with a questioning look before it suddenly gets blown out, leaving the room dark. Her heart rate speeds up and her breathing quickens.

Nyctophobia; the fear of the dark. Suddenly the black screen fades, confirming the answer to a for sure yes. The fear doesn't seem to be too severe so I mark it down as a six of ten.

The screen regains colour and picture as a large crowd waits ahead. She stands at a podium and her eyes widen at the sight of the amount of people. All the people stare at her completely quiet waiting for her to speak, but she is unable to spit out the words.

Glossophobia. The fear of public speaking. The screen fades to black again, resetting the landscape once again.

She stands in a room with three figures in front of her. I know that these figures are personalized to the subject's brain, making the three figures only visible to Mikayla.

"You've failed us." The voices spoke monotonously, "Now we are gone and dead." A singled out voice told her. They kept chanting her failure. She curled up in a ball and sat on the floor.

Fear of failure; atychiphobia.

She peeks her head back up and realized that the scene has changed. A figure stands in front of her. It mumbles a few words before turning and walking away causing her to cry. Athazagoraphobia; fear of being forgotten.

She tries to lose the invisible restraints before turning to see her wrists suddenly appear to be tied to a post. I see, the simulation is taking its last toll. A mega fear scene, monstrously taking an effect on the subject.

She looks forward into the new scenery of inside a small wooden cabin. Immediately, she is surrounded by flames. She stands up and tries to break free of the rough rope restraints but to no avail. Pyrophobia, fear of fire.

She screams and thrashes before her knees suddenly give out and she falls to the floor unconscious. I turn off the screen after it has faded black and look at the time. Midnight.

I turn to where she is seated and sit next to her on a stool. It won't be long before she awakens. I admire her currently sleeping composure. I do honestly have to agree that she is a quite a pretty girl. But I mustn't go into the details. Her tear filled eyes flutter open and look at me.

"It's all done." I say giving her a small smile. She gives me a weak smile.

"I'm tired." She tells me while yawning. Her eyes threaten to close but she attempts to keep them open.

"I guess you can go to bed." I chuckle before picking her up bridal style, "You have had quite an interesting night." I say before turning the lights in the room off and exiting the room with her in my arms.

I reach the top of the first of many sets of stairs and see all the guys sitting on the many couches, all of them stretched out. Through the dim light, who I would assume to be Hayes', head snaps over in this direction.

"Is she okay?" Hayes asks concernedly.

"Yes Hayes," I confirm.

"Uhm okay." He says awkwardly before turning back to the show as I approach the next set of stairs.

Hayes is obviously very concerned about Mikayla, and I would think possibly a slight crush or infatuation even. I was honestly expecting it to happen anyways.

Hayes is two years younger than Kalim and I, as well as Mikayla, which does not surprise me. But the thing is something else.

He's not allowed to.

She is our kidnapped victim, not our friend. Well, probably won't ever be anyways.

I open the door to her room and walk her unsurprisingly light body over to her bed. I lay her down gracefully, trying not to awaken her. I pull the covers over her body and give her a kiss on the forehead before walking out and shutting the door behind me quietly.

I decide that perhaps I should spend time with the boys. I wonder what movie they're watching.


I was half asleep when Peter had carried me up the stairs. I pretended to be asleep, mostly because I was just enjoying being carried up all those stairs. Haha I hate walking upstairs when I'm tired, well, half tired anyways.

I'm surprised he didn't collapse under my weight to be honest. But then again he's much bigger than me and better toned than most people. He put me down on the bed and gently put the covers over me. Silly boy, he fell for my 'sleeping' trick.

I didn't hear any movement and I was confused for a moment. Didn't he leave or is he still here? Suddenly, I felt his plump lips lightly touch my forehead before i heard his footsteps walk away and the door squeaks quietly as he closes it slowly behind him.

What even just happened? Did Peter actually just give me a kiss on the forehead? Or am I too close to sleep to even comprehend my own state of mind?

Eww short chapter, yuck.

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