Numb Mourning

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WARNING! This chapter contains depression moods and animal death near the end of the chapter

Cleaning the freezer was never your favourite thing to do when cleaning the house, sadly it had to be done, and Nifty had zero clue on how to do it, so you showed her. Big mistake because she almost broke your freezer as she literally stabbed the loose ice off of their resting places.

The wet towels were already in the wash and were now running, everything else in the house was done so there was nothing else to do.

Well, besides avoiding Alastor until work. Again.

You knew Alastor was a killer, a psychopath, and a narcissist, his personality screamed it the entire time he had been at the house. But there was something else in his personality that scared the crap out of you, and it only seemed to happen when Angel decided to throw his hands around your shoulders like the two of you were buddies.

He would push Angel off of you before wrapping an arm around your shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world, followed by pulling you closer to him so that he could literally smell your hair when no one was looking.

You had no idea where this sudden twist in his personality came from and you did not plan on finding out, he was acting... way more out of it than he usually was and it was unsettling.

And he just. Wouldn't. Stop. With the constant talks about radio and what they were like in his time, adding what he thought would be more suitable to put on 'your show', or complimenting the blasted radio. Everything about these things... it was as if he was trying to imply something. But for the existence of you, you had no clue as to what it was. It was getting frustrating.

Well, not unless he was referring to that night, about you being just like him. A killer.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg. Not only did you have to try and ignore Alastor, you also had to take care of your cat, the poor thing was wolfing its food down like it was starving and seemed to want it every 5 minutes, not to mention the fact that they were lying down a lot more than normal. And Midnight seemed to be either wanting to cuddle with them or bite them like they were food.

You had your theories about it, but you couldn't be sure about it until you took the animal to the vet, which you had already booked for after work, and either way, this was going to get emotional. Again.

Oh, and your work changed a little, the 'boss' has now decided to have you at work at midday, but still wanted you to sort out the cables and other electrical crap going on around the building as if you were some mechanical expert. The question though was why.

You really don't know what to think anymore. Maybe it would be better if you just stopped?

Just another typical day in the existence of you/Echo.

Summer was finally making itself known so you decided to let the crow out more with a huge bowl of food and water for him and his family, who haven't stopped visiting your house since that lovely day you 'flew' with them, you still do when you have the energy, and Midnight was most certainly not complaining.

Charlie and Vaggie had taken up to watering and tending your plants so that you could rest more ready for your job. It was a nightmare having so much control taken from you and you were unable to do anything about it.

The urge to scream and snap at them all was getting worse every day, and you've been trying to keep away from singing so that they didn't start laughing and staring at you. You just wanted all of this to hurry up and go away. To forget all of them.

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