Panic Attacks of Fear

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Your ears felt like someone had stuck cotton in them as you try to pick yourself up from your fallen position. Not paying attention to the other voices going on around you.

All that positive energy was now turning into panic, anxiety, and nausea. You felt like you were going to throw up. Who were they and how did they get in here? You keep all your windows shut and locked when you leave the house, you hadn't touched them since you came back from work.

"I'm so sorry for the scare, here let me help you up-"

The second something touched your hand you immediately squealed and shuffled away from the touch and curled up in a ball, giving them a look that your cat did when they had one eye open and staring at you. And then your breathing began to quicken, your ribs began to suffocate you. This was just perfect.

"Nice one, you just made them worse" came a grumble.

"Hey, hu- focus on my voice, can you do that?" said another female voice, she sounded stern, but there was something else that you couldn't hear.

You turn to the voice, and the only thing you can see is a white and grey blob. You try your absolute hardest to focus on her voice.

"Have you done breathing exercises? Try and breathe with me" deliberate deep inhales through the nose were heard and exhale from the mouth.

You try, rather terribly, to imitate the breathing, you knew how to do the breathing exercises, you had done it before on your own plenty of times. But having so many people/creatures watching you was making you feel worse. And the voice seemed to pick up on it.

"Sh*t, everyone back off, out of sight and stay quiet, your making them worse, come on, eyes on me and breathe with me" she was making hand motions to keep you focused on her and no one else, still doing the breathing motions.

The room was silent as you try, and fail to get your breathing under control. By instinct, you begin to lightly claw your face and groan in frustration. Stupid illness. Stupid EVERYTHING!

"Hey, woah there, don't do that" you look at her with your skin pulled out from your grabbing in frustration "I promise that we will explain everything, but you need to have a clear head, I know its hard, but please, breathe slowly"

You gritted your teeth as you try again to control your breathing, this time it began to work as your fingers slowly loosened their grip on your cheeks. You could already feel your brain trying to shut down from what little energy you had left.

"Give yourself a moment and then I'll help you get on the couch if that's okay"

All you could manage was a nod of your head as you continue to do the breathing technique to make sure you didn't panic again. You just wanted her to stop talking or for this to be just a messed up dream. Although you highly doubt the latter, you never dream of things like this. your brain wasn't that creative when it came to images, it was mainly filled with words or pitch darkness, like the void.

Once you were certain you could breathe okay, you force yourself to stand up on shaky legs with the white-haired woman holding onto your arm as she led you to the front of the sofa, helping you sit down slowly before removing her arm. Her touch still lingering on your elbow felt like you had worms wriggling around, you couldn't stop yourself from scratching the area instinctively.

"Keep your distance if you want to sit down, they're still in shock" she said to the group.

"Like I couldn't tell from the shaking they're doing" a voice snorted, it was hard to tell if it was male or female.

"I'm too sober for this sh*t" grumbled a deep male voice.

"Please Husk, could you not do that here?" said a female voice that didn't sound like the one who helped you calm down.

Trapped (Alastor x reader) (Slow Updates)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz