Thoughts and Realisations

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You honestly didn't expect to do so well with your job since you were still on edge after what happened at home, but looking back on it during your last break for the day, you realise that it could have certainly gone far worse like your first time doing this.

"That's all we have time for today, until next time sunflowers, stay safe" you say brightly before switching on the last song for the day. You let out an exhausted puff of air as you felt your body begin to drain from all the talking you had done. Which wasn't a lot.
Mentally draining, but worth every second of it. And now you have a bed calling out to you. Wait, no you don't, you have an early trip to the shops for food and swimwear.
"You and that stupid outro, why even bother?" your coworker grumbles as he gets out of his chair and walks past you, a little too close than you would like.
"Some people need a bit of a confidence boost" you say weakly in defense as you get up from your chair, already feeling your thigh aching and crying out from sitting down for so long in cheap chairs that could break at any moment "besides it might make people more interested in listening"
He snorts and you can practically see the eye roll as he walks to the booth's exit "keep dreaming b*tch, this place is only good for one thing, paychecks"
You had to grit your teeth to keep yourself smiling politely, on the plus side, at least he didn't call you the R word this time. A new record.
Once he was out of sight, you unclench your jaw as you get up and leave the booth, ready to clock out for the day. The list you had made was still sitting snuggly in your zipped pocket for today's early shopping, you had already checked your bank account during break and you had more than enough to get practically all the items, unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to get all the 'residences' swimwear. So with this in mind you mentally draw out a plan of only grabbing a few swimwear for the ones you were certain were planning on using the pool. Would be a good reason to wash their clothing as it would dry by tomorrow.
Not to mention some sleepwear, but maybe that would be going overboard? Yeah, definitely, it was no different from buying them new clothing, and judging by their styles, you doubt they would like anything you bring them this time.
Feeling lighter and better now that you had a plan for the rest of the day, you let yourself smile wider as you clock out and leave the building, silently looking forward to the surprised looks you would get when you returned with your spoils.

Your hands felt numb due to the cold weather but you didn't pay much attention to it, Spring could be such a pain when it wanted to be and this day was no different, granted it was more difficult when you had to carry 5 bags on each arm, especially when you looked and walked like a penguin that you kept your head down so no one would see your face. Your arms were going to be bruised and suffering because of this.

You do mentally pat yourself on the back though for carrying this many bags without whimpering and making people look at you like a lunatic. Which you might as well be considering the people living in your house at the moment. You were also thankful that the sky was dark enough (most likely going to rain) that you didn't need your tinted glasses. For now anyway.
To be honest with yourself, even you were surprised with how you managed the sudden change to your lifestyle, you have never been able to handle sudden changes/incidents, your brain would always shut down and you were left standing on the spot trying to figure out what you were supposed to do next. It's one of the reasons why you don't go out much unless its to go work or shop for food.
Not like you had friends who cared about you.
But you had no problem with this, it was hard enough doing your job that when it was time to leave and someone stopped you, you would be too tired to pay attention to what they were saying, or be too quiet that they couldn't hear what you were saying, and then by the time you get back home, you either listen to music to expel all the negativity, or play some games on either your phone or computer until it was time for bed.
But hey, that's life for you. Well. Until 'they' showed up.
Looking on it now, it does seem strange that they showed up in your house by chance, surely if a demon did want to hurt you, they wouldn't just show up in the house, they would have appeared outside the house to see if you were there, and if not then they would have to break a window, or your back door to escape.
But then again you have never seen nor met a demon before, so what would you know about them? Nothing, that's what.
You were right about one thing though, if they did want to hurt you they could have easily done so from their claws alone. You doubted that if any of them had magical powers, they wouldn't need them since you were practically an infant in their eyes. You stood no chance of escaping or beating them in physical combat.
Perhaps that's why you are so okay with this situation/agreement, if what they said was true about them trying to keep a low profile, then the last thing they needed was to have you die by them by either accident or deliberation. Since heaven most likely exists, and if they still hate demons, then there could be the possibility of some war. A possibility but for some reason you don't think this is the case, maybe your just overthinking things again.
Charlie, the doll-looking demon, she reminded you of yourself back when you were younger, innocent and naive to the ways of the world's cruelty, except she knew what she was and what she wanted, at least at the moment, you didn't and still don't now. You can't help but admire about her for that. Didn't mean that it could be a ruse though. You know from experience.
Angel and Vag-something, you didn't like them much, the way they acted, even if Vag helped you calm down, reminded you too much of the bullies that made fun of you back in school, you would have to make sure that you didn't stay with them alone for too long because the last thing you wanted was for them to hit the wrong button and send you crying to your room like a little baby. Again.
But what if Vag was only acting like this because she was concerned? Your mum had done that a few times when your depression hit you hard. She even threatened to hit you with a rolling pin if you thought negatively about yourself for one second. It still makes you chuckle thinking back on it.
Husk and the kid demon? Looks definitely were deceiving on those two. Husk could easily scratch you to shreds with just one swipe of his claws if he was in the mood for it. The kid though, gosh her smile was like Al's but smaller, not to mention really fast for a child, a demon one at least, that wild look she gave you, innocent but promising of pain if you made one wrong move.
But she was tame compared to the most mysterious demon of all. Al-something, no, Alastor, that was his name. A strange man to be sure, you had no idea what kind of filter he was using for his voice, but it was most definatly a microphone, his animal appearance and snazzy suit made him look like the perfect gentleman for any person's fantasy. The issue however was his smile, his tone may say that he was being polite with a sense of humour, but that smile and odd look on his face, when you have the courage to look at it, screamed something else entirely.
It was the look of a predator, a sick person wanting to pull the legs off of a bug just to watch it squirm. And he wanted to do that to you, you were certain of it. Why else would he force himself into your personal space, his arm must have felt how you tensed up from the touch, how you shifted when the worms began to wriggle in the areas of his touch.
He was no better than the narcissistic prick who helped give life to you.
You quickly shake your head, no, you cannot change anything now, you would need to just grin and bare it until they could go home. You have no power over them, no matter what you may think, hell odds were that they were just being polite out of trying to lure you into a false sense of security before using you as an offering.
PFFT! as if any demon would be interested in a boring human like yourself. You were no one special, you didn't have any friends, no social life, no amazing job or fancy mansion. No special blood, not even fancy magical powers. You. Weren't. Perfect.
This wasn't some fairy tale where the handsome Prince Charming would sweep you off your feet and take you away on his horse and ride off into the sunset.
You simply existed because of a promise you made to your mum before she died, nothing more, nothing less. And you were completely okay with that.
You had nothing left to live for anyway. Haven't for a long time.

When you finally get back home, and with great difficulty, you unlock the front door and bring in all the bags inside, music still blaring through your ear drums as you maneuver the bags off your arms and onto the floor.
You quickly take out your earphones and turn off your music as well as your mask, the last thing you want is to have one of them mistake you for being rude and ignorant when they were talking. You also had to hold back your typical call for your cat and just head for the kitchen to get her food ready.
"Oh, your back already? I thought you would be longer, was that rude? I'm sorry" you almost jump at the kid that seemed to have come out of nowhere.
"Uh, no, that wasn't rude, I can see why you think I would be longer" you gesture weakly to the amount of bags you brought with you.
"Can I help? Your arms look ready to fall off" she points to your slightly shaking arms, thanks to all the amount of weight you were carrying.
Honestly, you were reluctant to give her anything since she was kid size, was she even a child? But she did ask, so surely she knew what she was doing, for a one-eyed, child-looking demon.
"How about I give you the meat? I can handle the rest" you offer, as soon as she agreed, you hand her the 3 meat bags to carry, she seemed to brighten at the sight.
"OH! you got Mr Alastors favourite, he's going to love it"
"I wouldn't be a good host would I?" you defend yourself "I just hope it's enough though" shockingly venison was more expensive than the other meat, you got two packs.
"Alastor favours venison, but he's not picky" well, at least it was confirmed by another source "this will last him a good while"
"Last what a good while dear Nifty?" oh flip, Alastor just came out of the kitchen.
"They got you two packs of venison, look at all this other meat, I have never seen so many" she runs to Alastor to show him all the meat you had gotten.
He uses one clawed finger to pull the bags slightly apart, as if inspecting the meat like some kind of inspector, did you do something wrong? He didn't ask for anything specific other than venison so you got a different and wide variety so he had other options.
"This looks perfect, but I honestly didn't expect you to get this many" there was something in his tone that feel right "love the variety too darling, truly, I can't wait to experiment"
"Experiment with what?" you asked weakly, he looked like he was ready to shred the meat into pieces, maybe it was because he hadn't eaten breakfast? That did happen to humans.
"With cooking of course, it's one of my many talents" he exclaims proudly "I remember in the good old days when I would eat my mother's homemade Jambalaya while listening to good old Jazz on the radio" he looks up slightly as if remembering, something, he seemed, happy?
But then, like everything else in your life, you f*cked up "what's Jambalaya and Jazz?"

Nobody dared to breathe, to move. Not even you. After you asked what Jazz was, Alastor had snapped his head around to face you like an owl on alert.
For the first time since they came here, you began to understand what terror truly felt like.
Even more so with what he said next.
"This cannot stand" he cried out in dramatic fashion "you don't know what Jazz and Jambalaya is? We are rectifying this right now"
Somehow you got the feeling that this wouldn't end well for you.

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