Sensory Meltdown

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Despite the mental drain you felt from your job, you felt a huge buzz as you walked back home with your personal 'treasure' in hand, along with a few newspapers from different businesses. You had no idea why you felt this way though. All you knew was that you felt good, you weren't sure if it was happiness exactly, but it was still a good feeling.
If only it would stay that way until they left. Oh well.
The 'treasure' you had was nothing more than your favourite canned fizzy drinks, your own personal 'alchohol' if they asked. They weren't getting any though. Your drink, no touchy.
You snigger at the thought.
All jokes aside though. This day had been, somewhat decent for lack of a better word. Maybe it was because you had a quick talk with Charlie before you left. Or maybe it was because you realised that you were keeping other people safe by having these, people, stay in your area.
You may be mentally challenged but even you weren't that stupid, you knew that keeping them inside the house 24/7 would be a death sentence, it was why you had mentioned the times when it would be best to go on a walk in the woods.
At least this way, there were less people that would notice them and possibly get themselves killed in the process.
Thinking back on your reaction with Alastor, you find yourself not regretting what you did. You did after all do as he had asked. You smiled, but not for him.
You would never smile at the creature who made you so anxious/paranoid when in the same room, alone or not. He had cute antlers though.
Cue record scratch.
You almost trip over your own feet as the words finally sink into your thick, brain-dead skull.
Alastor's foot tapping sounded a lot like hooves hitting the hard pavement, his hair, from what little you remember, was a bit more fluffier than cats fur. And then the strange mix of red/orange and black colours in his hair.
Two of which were literally sticking upwards like an old TV's antennas. As well as the tuff's of, fur? Ears? Sticking up beside them as if shielding them from getting damaged.
You smack your eyeballs hard and groan under your breath. How stupid were you into not realising that he was a FREAKING DEER DEMON?! Angel was a spider for crying out loud and it didn't take a genius to know that unless he had wings hiding behind him, he was a- well you get the picture.
You have never felt so ignorant, dumb, and stupid in your life.
Whelp, there goes your good mood for the day, some quiet time recharging your social battery was in order. Let's just hope deer boi hadn't messed up your room as punishment for ignoring him this morning. You could only hope the Annie song you played left him in a good mood and toned the terror down.
But with a well-dressed smiling creature like him? Anything was possible. Sigh.

You expected Angel or even Husk to have made a mess of the place at some point during their stay at your house. But every time you entered the front door, you were hit with cleaning chemicals and a much more cleaner living room than before, with the whole place loud with, something bad.
What you didn't expect when returning to the place was to see all the demons bar Alastor sitting on the sofa and floor talking excitedly about, something you couldn't keep up with.
You really wanted some quiet time, away from these people. So you slowly and quietly removed your shoes near the door, then slowly tiptoed your way to the kitchen in the hope that you would put your drinks in the fridge and then seek salvation.
Unfortunately, that was not possible. Because as soon as you enter the kitchen, you are met with a lot of red, of a suit, thank goodness you didn't run into his chest. Literally.
"There you are my dear, everyone has been waiting for your arrival" gosh darn it Alastor.
You don't reply but simply look at him with a tired look and sigh quietly.
He didn't pay attention to it as he was immediately dragging you to the sofa with the bag still in your hand. You wanted to cry when they all stared at you after Alastor's 'polite comment'.
Why did he have to be so fu- freaking loud?
"We have great news, don't we Charlie?"
As if they were the magic words, Charlie practically beamed from her spot before running towards you, proceeding to pull you into a big, squeezable, suffocating bear hug.
"You have no idea how happy and grateful I am with the suggestion you gave me this morning" she squealed into your ear causing your vision to go blurry for a second.
Until the sound was interrupted by the sound of cracking. But it wasn't coming from an object. It was coming from a person. It was coming from you.
Charlie, in her excitement at the thought of going home and rewarding you with one of her hugs, forgot that you weren't a demon. You were mortal. Fragile.
She cracked one of your ribs.
Nobody dared to move let alone speak after the crack echoed throughout the room, until you whimpered out an 'ow?'
Then panic started to ensue as Charlie pulled away and began to freak out saying 'I'm sorry' and 'so sorry' over and over again.
"Nice one Charlie, now you broke them"
"Angel, shut the hell up"
"I'm not drunk enough for this"
"Oh, do I need to clean their lungs?"
"Can you stop?"
You didn't pay attention though, you were trying very hard not to collapse onto the floor as you tried not to take deep breathes, lest you make the injury worse, which meant having to keep the bag in a knuckle grip and trying not to drop it as you use your free hand to hold onto your sore rib.
If only the room would stop spinning and the noise could shut up.
Too much room. Exposed... Not safe...

You had to get the hell out of here before you had a panic attack. Just because you were drained from work doesn't mean your body was tired from having another one.
Then you hear your name coming from your right. It was Alastor.
While the others were busy arguing amongst themselves, Alastor had been staring at you the entire time.
"Do you need quiet my dear?"
You couldn't speak, it was taking all your willpower not to breathe too deeply as you did the standard breathing exercise. All you could do was nod like some bobblehead doll.
You didn't need to read his face to know that he was enjoying this. Yet he still offered you his arm and waited in silence.
Unfortunately, he asked too late.
"Shut up you fur ball waste of fur"
"Bite me"
"Yes please"
You feel a piece of thread snip from inside of you as you felt tears filling up as your last bit of patience was used up. You were in pain, you just wanted quiet. To sleep.
The mental dam in your mind began to crack from the pressure. Steam escaping from the kettle. You shriek as tears fall from your eyes.
The whole room went silent. The only sound was your poor breathing as you begin to cry, trying to get back into the routine of breathing small breaths. It sounded more like you were having a panic attack.
"I think that's enough excitement for today" Alastor stated calmly as he held his hand out in your vision "let's get you somewhere comfortable for that injury"
Your only reply was to grab his hand and let him lead you to your bedroom. You were still grabbing your side as if your lung was about fall out.
Small room. Safe. Haven.

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