Playing Doctor Before 'The Talk'

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You couldn't breathe, someone was suffocating you, you try to move but your limbs refused to move. But something moved on your chest, followed by a strange vibrating noise.
You slowly open your eyes and find the source of the vibration. Your cat. Who was also staring at you with their cute half-lidded eyes as if to 'why did you wake me up?'
"Sorry sweetheart" you murmur tiredly "but mummy's ribs are hurting, can you please move?" you were almost certain the purr got louder "please little one"
The cat shifts and puts pressure on the area you've been trying to avoid. Because it once again confirmed what happened last night.
You cry out in pain, and inhale deeply out of habit, only to cry out again when you realised too late just how deeply you were inhaling, then you begin to breathe incorrectly, making the ribs strain even more from the pressure. It felt like a human was sitting on you, it was literally suffocating.
At least you don't need to wake up or yawn anymore, the pain killed it. Ha ha.
You hear the door open but don't pay attention to it as your trying to get your breathing back under control, your cat however did jump off so you don't hesitate to sit up to make it easier for you.
"How on earth did you sleep last night with bad ribs?" the voice muttered.
Your vision turns to the left for a second before you're staring at the bed again, it was the white-haired woman. And she was standing a few feet away from the bed. She was, thankfully, silent the entire time.
Once the pain was more manageable for you to start moving, you hold your breath and begin to shift yourself to the edge of the bed, making sure not to look at, Vaggie, in the eye. Until she handed you your medicine anyway.
"I found them just before I heard you cry in pain" she explains as she places them into your open hand before slowly backing off from your bubble "I brought the pain medicine too just in case you decided to take them"
You stayed silent for a moment before whispering "depends on how bad my ribs are"
Vaggie begins fiddling with her hands "well, that was something I wanted to discuss with you later, but if your up for it now I can explain it"
You wanted to leave it for later, but the thought of needing to go to the hospital if this was serious immediately changed your mind "explain it now please"
"I have some experience with injuries and broken bones, and I am willing to look at it for you, but the downside is that I will have to place my hands on your skin so that I don't misdiagnose it"
Your hands clench into fists "I see"
She immediately raises her hands into surrender "this is merely a suggestion, I'm not-"
"Check it now before I change my mind" you interrupt her "get it over with, I need to know if I need to go to the hospital" and you REALLY hope that wasn't the case.
"Are you-" she stops herself and shakes her head "alright, let me just warn everyone first to stay away, and then I'll try to be as fast as possible"
"I heard Vaggie, leave it to me" said a voice from the corridor.
You look up just in time to see Charlie shut the door, leaving you and Vaggie alone in the room. Your breathing began to get heavy again as Vaggie sat on the edge of the bed far away from you.
"We can wait until later if you would prefer it" she says quietly in the silence "I will not, nor will I ever try to do something against your will"
You've heard that sentence more times than you care to admit.
"Easier said than done, especially to someone who got hurt from your group" you say through gritted teeth "no offense"
"None taken, Charlie can be impulsive when she's very excited about something, I have been trying to help keep her level-headed enough that she wouldn't tackle hug you for letting us stay here"
You wheeze out a laugh "Alastor wasn't kidding about this being tame" you shake your head as you chuckle "alright, I think I've calmed down enough, let's get this over with" you pause for a moment as you sit back on the bed with crossed legs "um, wait, you need me to lift my top up don't you?"
Vaggie slowly nods her head "I wouldn't ask you of this if it wasn't necessary, but don't worry, you don't have to lift all the way, I'll check the bottom half first and if I can't find it, then we'll have to take it off, so just lift it so that it covers your..."
"Upper chest, got it" you grab the bottom of your top but don't move.
"Would it help if I looked away?"
"...I just need a moment"
"Take all the time you need"
You do wait a few seconds before trying to lift your top up, but your hands refused to listen to you, then your breathing began to quicken. Making the pain worse. In Carmen's words 'oh shi-take mushrooms'
"How... do you know... how to... help me?" you ask as you try to get your breathing back under control "I thought... demons... don't care"
What a great way to start the day, eh?
Her face twitched but remained calm "not all demons are heartless, or sinners for that matter, I guess it just depends who you know, just like humans"
You look at her in confusion but don't press the issue, you do apoligise though "I'm sorry for shouting at you all last night, and for insulting your, species"
She blinks at you in surprise "why are you apoligising for last night? You had every reason to shout at us after the amount of stress we've given you"
"That doesn't mean I should be taking any of it out on you" you sigh tiredly, licking the back of your teeth from the gross feeling of not brushing them yet "yes, I know I have a reason to be upset, but you haven't broken or destroyed anything yet, you've been keeping the place clean and have, for the most part, been civilized with me"
She continues to look at you as if not believing anything you just said.
"As my mum would always say, respect given is respect earned, or was it the other way around?" you look down and try to remember what she said, but when you came up with nothing you continue "and to not judge someone based on appearance, even if they look like demented, homicidal maniacs" you giggle dispite the pain.
"You are, one strange human"
"I'm stuck having you guys as roommates, what's your excuse?"
"We're dead, smell like death, and are stuck with someone who's alive and smells like a years worth of overly sweet flowers" she replied with a deadpan expression.
You laugh, you don't know why, you just laugh, and when your rib throbs in pain, you would stop then laugh again. Like one big vicious cycle.
"Alright, I think we need to stop with the jokes for now otherwise we'll be making your injury worse" she says as she looks at you with worry.
This time you were able to lift your top up without issue, and at the appropriate height. She slowly inches forward until she's at the appropriate distance.
"Going to place my hands on now" she warns as she slowly moves her hands.
Your breathing hitched the second her hands touched your side, your stomach curled inward in reaction. Vaggie didn't move for a few seconds.
"I'm going to start moving my hands to check your ribs, if it becomes to much, tell me and I will stop" she says gently.
You could only grunt and nod in reply as you try to focus on your breathing. Tensing every time she placed her hands somewhere new. You started humming without realising.
Vaggie never comments until she hit the very spot that made you coil away in pain, hissing in pain. Vaggie was thankful she hadn't used too much pressure to check it.
The problem was that it was near the waist area.
"Sorry" she apoligised "unfortuntly I'm going to need to check it again and have a feel of the bone" she didn't have a chance to check it properly because of Y/n's recoil.
"Buy me dinner first" you start giggling like a maniac "I'm s-s-s-sorry, b-b-b-but that i-i-i-is n-n-n-no n-n-n-no b-b-b-bad" you burst into tears, curling up into a ball and began rocking yourself, lightly smacking your palms against your arms "f-f-f-fudge"
Vaggie didn't waste a second to shift herself as far away from you as possible as you began to freak out. Clearly, you had pushed yourself too far.
"Stupid body, stupid paranoia" you mutter "stupid brain"
Vaggie didn't say anything, she just watched you in sadness and pity as you rode out the panic/anxiety. How in the hell were you able to function before they showed up?
You on the other hand were thankful these 'attacks' never lasted long. Just like the faulty soundboard in your workplace.
"Nobody cares to fix what's broken" you mutter quietly to yourself as you wipe the tears "I'm sorry, I'll try and stay still this time" you pull up the shirt as if nothing happened.
Vaggie stared at you with wide eyes and gaping like a fish. You just had a f*cking mental attack, and you were acting like this was normal? What the f*ck? Seriously.
"Please hurry up I don't like staying like this"
"Right, uh, sorry, I'll try and be quick, better hold your breath because I will need to press down slightly"
You started panicking the second her hands went back onto the injury, but you did as she instructed and held your breath despite your chest still moving.
Long. Painful. Seconds went by as she checked every inch of the injury, your eyes were on her arms the entire time, taking small, measured breaths so that you didn't pass out. Even if you were feeling light-headed already.
"Okay" she removes her hands without hesitation, you didn't hesitate to pull your top down either "the good news is that Charlie only fractured a few bones, so besides pain medicine and sleeping a certain way, there's nothing else that can be done, the hospital would be a waste of time"
You can't stop the sigh of relief escaping you "and the bad news?"
"Unfortunately, due to the constant strain you've been putting yourself under, along with you sleeping on your back last night, and because of us stressing you out, if you continue like this, with straining yourself more I mean, the ribs might break and then you would need to go to the hospital"
You huff silently before you feel something bad wash over you "could you pass me my phone please?" you point to the table next to you.
She doesn't say anything other than to get up and grab the phone to hand to you, watching in silence as you do something with it and see your eyes begin to widen.
"Today is Saturday" you whisper in realisation "crap in a bucket, Saturday is not just my day off but also my cleaning day, how can I clean if I can't overwork myself?"
Vaggie bit her lip for a second "the only thing I can suggest is asking Nifty, she's already been helping us with our beds and, surprisingly, has never touched your room, including the other one you told us about"
And you had completely forgotten about that, some host you were "and what about... showering?" please for the love of all holy and unholy things, don't say you needed someone in the room with you.
"Do you not have a bath?"
You couldn't stand baths, too filthy "all the bathrooms have showers, no bathtubs"
"Okay, what about a sitting area or a chair suitable for water?" you shake your head "then the only thing I can suggest is that I stay in here while you shower, the door can stay completely shut, and if I hear anything off I can call out to you and wait for a reply"
That, might be okay, but the thought of the others walking in would no doubt send you into a panic attack "I do tend to be clumsy in the shower and sometimes drop bottles"
"Then I can call out and see if your okay, if I don't hear anything within 5 seconds, I will come in unless you say something"
You stay silent as you try to see it all within your mind. Well, more like script it. And so far the plan did seem plausible "this should be fine, but I think I'll wait later tonight to do it, when everyone is off to bed"
"Sounds like a good plan of attack" she smiles "I'll leave you to your morning routine, I hope I haven't stretched it too far"
You shake your head "no, my routine isn't as strict as others, it's more like, morning I do this, afternoon I do that, and night can be a bit random, then again, half the time I don't know what I'm doing and just go with the flow"
"Besides your medicine anyway" Vaggie moves towards the door and places her hand on the handle "do you want me to tell them to quiet down when you make an appearance?"
You shake your head "if it's still working, just leave the radio on for me, it might help anchor me for the inevitable talk"
"If there's one thing I remember from last night, everyone was looking at me as if I was a freak and wanted to sink their claws into my brain"
"Charlie has been worried about you since the incident, she barely got any sleep thinking she scared you away from her unintentional tackle hug, the others were more gobsmacked that you shouted at them since they've never heard you shout, your usually quiet when talking, Alastor, well, I don't know what's up with that guy but it's never good when he's helping with something or someone"
"Why's that?"
"Because it usually means he wants something"
Lucky you "I'll keep that in mind thanks"
She opens the door and makes a move to leave, but she pauses and turns to you and speaks softly "your a lot stronger than you think Y/n, not many people would be able to talk to us without being controlling, lock us up somewhere, or make some kind of deal"
She leaves and shuts the door with a quiet click, leaving you in the deafening silence.
"I am machine a part of me wishes I could just feel something" you whisper to yourself before getting off the bed.
You've delayed long enough, your mouth demanded attention. Body odor would have to settle later tonight.
Now you just had to stop yourself from scratching the areas that felt dirty and wrong.
And call your boss to take tomorrow off as well. So many things so little time.

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