Gotta Learn to Grow

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Just as you promised, you gave the drinks they desired the day after bird sitting and proceeded to get drunk despite your warning to not drink them all at once, they passed out to no ones surprise.

You shouldn't have expected anything less from alcoholics. You really wished you never got those bottles in the first place, but you knew you had to keep these guys as happy as possible, even if meant having that foul liquid in the house. Besides, you did promise to give them a 'treat' if they took care of the bird, you always make an effort to never go back on it.

And now that you've finished work for the day, it was time to do something slightly different today, sitting outside while the bird had his playtime, you weren't planning to have him out for too long as you weren't sure if it his wing was healed enough despite the 8 days of being cooped up in your house.

"Come on little guy, want to get some fresh air?"

This question made the bird do its own version of a happy dance like a dog being told it was going for a walk, jumping on the spot as it cawed happily in agreement.

"Alright then, hold still you muppet"

You lower your arm even further so that he could hop onto it without issue, it was still weird to have a bird sitting on your arm every now and then but you were not going to complain when he just sits there calmly for you to take him to his next destination.

You did find it hilarious though that both of your arms were now bending from the elbow like you were some bouncer trying to look tough. At least the back door was open.

"Could one of you get me the bag of seeds on the counter please?" might as well see if the crows were willing to come near your house.

You step through the doors and away from the pool just in case the bird wandered over there, then you placed him on the ground so that he could look around to his hearts content and sat near by.

"Good to see you finally get some sunlight, it does wonders to the skin you know"

A pack of seeds hovers in front of you as if to laugh at your suffering with this red tampon of a demon. Fan-tucking-fastic.

"Thank you Alastor" you state calmly as you reach out to grab the bag.

Only for him to pull it back at the last second with 'that' smile on his face, great, he was in one of those moods. You drop your hand and look away, you were too tired to deal with this after your day at work.

"You really need to get some more meat on your bones dear, what would the audience think if they knew what you were like"

That was something he had been doing during the week, trying to get you to eat more healthier foods rather than that 'quick-food garbage' or something close to it. As if you had a choice in the matter.

"I eat enough to survive, I don't care what the audience thinks of me" you state calmly as you pull your legs up and wrapped your arm around them as you watch the crow.

"You should, after all if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be where you are now"

You really didn't care, you only did this job for your promise. It was the only reason you were still alive.

"Why don't you try asking your boss to try and spread the music variety? Surely there are some people who would listen in that don't like that noise"

"I already did when I first worked there" you state quietly as you stare at the bird "laughed in my face and kicked me out of his office" that week was the worst week of your life before 'Echo' was born.

"I bet he watches television when he gets home the pompous piece of sh*t" he mutters.

You couldn't stop yourself from snorting into laughing at that statement, to hear this 'gentleman' curse so easily just because one person wouldn't let you play music that he liked? He really was self-centered.

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