New Fur Baby

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So as I'm sure everyone knows, it's almost time for a certain 'show' to be coming out for everyone to watch, I unfortunately have been getting bad anxiety issues because of it and have barely managed to get this chapter written.

Now this does not mean that I am stopping the story completely, I'm not, but I am going to take a break for now until the dust has settled around the Hazbin Hotel (as settled as it can be anyway) Thank you everyone for making it this far with me and I'll see you all on the flip side.

WARNING! This chapter has descriptions of animal abuse/injuries

You ignore the comments about you wearing pyjamas while there was still daylight left, your main concern was to feed the crow and figure out what was wrong with them. No bird in their right mind would let you hold them with only one arm willingly without a fight.

Something must be very wrong with the bird if they are letting you do this to them.

"How the hell did you managed this with only one arm?" Vaggie asked in disbelief.

"I'll tell you when I figure it out" you reply calmly "now if I remember correctly, crows like meat and boiled eggs, fruit as as well but I don't know if they can eat all types of fruit, do we have any eggs left?"

You mutter the question as you place the crow, who was sitting in a towel this whole time, on the counter gently so he had a good view of the area.

"Yeah we do, why?"

"Could you boil two eggs for me while I give him some seeds for now? Please?"

Vaggie looks at you for a few seconds before doing what you asked, you go to a drawer and pull out an unopened bag of seeds to give to the bird, with a small addition of water added to it since you had no idea how long he had been on the pavement for.

And then there was the fact that a load of crows had been there, watching the entire time.

"Alright buddy, here you go, a nice snack for now while my, pack member, makes you a bigger meal" you whisper calmly to the bird as you place the small plate in front of the bird.

The crow watches you the entire time as you make your movements deliberately slow so that you don't scare him. You were absolutely certain that crow had injured its wing because it hadn't tried flying away, not to mention the fact that it was now spread outwards while the bird ate its food, allowing you to get a good look at it.

Yep, you were right, there was some dry blood stuck to its feathers, who knows how long its been grounded for, poor bird.

"What heartless creature did this to you?" You whisper as you attempt to look at the damage.

You flinch back when the bird 'spoke' as if replying to your question. It was a shame you couldn't speak bird. What a strange creature though, you don't think this was their normal behavior, unless it was because it was part of the flock that you always fed in the woods. Maybe that was why it was so compliant. Or because it had no way of escaping you since you were a giant in his eyes.

Your thoughts are interrupted when Vaggie clears her throat and holds out her hand with something in it.

"Hears a warm cloth, try and dab the wing and be gentle" she instructs.

You blink in confusion, has she taken care of bird injuries in hell?

"Do you think he was shot?" you asked.

"It's either that, someone stood on the wing, or it got caught on tree branches" she gestures to the wing "just make sure that when you clean it you make a wiping motion" she demonstrates with her own hand.

Trapped (Alastor x reader) (Slow Updates)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang