Aftermath And Realisations

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WARNING/CAUTION! This chapter mentions of self-harm/scratching

You sit in a corner of your room, curled up like usual. But this time you were rocking yourself back and forth like an infant in their cot. Muttering about how stupid you were for getting emotional over a simple so trivial as a shout.
"What a stupid crybaby" was all you could mutter to yourself as you try to calm down. Breathing exercises were doing sweet FA and to make matters worse, your throat was making those weird choking noises every time you inhaled. Like it had done in school.
Not even music was going to be enough to calm you down this time.
One job. You had one job that was so simple a child could have done it. And you, as always, botched everything up. Stupid.
And you were pretty certain the deer man was having a field day with your emotional episodes. Hell your certain he was going to be dancing to an invisible tune when you have a mental breakdown in the future?
And judging from today's incident, it was going to happen sooner rather than later.
New tears began to leak from your eyes as you smacked your palm against your head, muttering 'stupid' over and over again before dragging your blunt nails across your face and then your arms as you fought back the urge to scream loudly in anger.
"Oh my father"
You don't pay attention to the voice as you are more focused on trying to chew your arm off.
You don't notice them getting close to you until you felt pressure on the back of your neck. You passed out before you could do anything to retaliate.

Vaggie ran into the bedroom when she heard Charlie cry out "oh my father"
She could chew on Angel another time. Their host came first as far as she was concerned.
However, when she entered the room, she found Alastor of all demons, holding the human.
"What the hell-" she was cut off.
"Don't attack Alastor please" Charlie begged "the human was hurting themself, if Alastor hadn't knocked them out, they might have gotten more serious injuries"
As if to prove Charlie was telling the truth, Alastor placed them on the bed and showed Vaggie their arm. Sure enough, there were many angry red lines going from the elbow to the wrist. As Vaggie looked closer, she also noticed that there were red marks on their face as well. If there was any doubt before, it was gone now.
She felt so stupid for not doing something sooner.
"Poor thing" Charlie continued "I can't imagine what they must have gone through"
"Why would someone hurt themselves over a simple shriek that Angel made?" Alastor asked out loud, although it was hard to determine if it was to himself or them "the poor thing was acting rather childish when we came in. Like a kid having a temper tantrum"
"They can't help it" Vaggie snapped "they were born this way"
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.
"They were born with Autism. Asbergers as some call it"
"They have names now?" Alastor said in surprise.
Vaggie growled as she looked at him "whether you believe it or not Radio Demon, things change, sickness and technology have changed you boomer" she looked back at Charlie "to keep it simple, Autistic people have a certain routine they stick to because it helps them handle day to day life, unfortunately, sometimes they can't handle sudden change" her eyes drift to the unconscious form on the bed "I believe our host is one of those people"
"They seemed fine when we first came here" Alastor pointed out.
"They froze up and it was only because I was able to get them to calm down" Vaggie retorted "if I had left them to it, we would have been stuck with an emotionally distraught human for a while, and if we tried touching them to stop hurting themselves, it would only make things worse"
"But they were making it worse by hurting themself, and it wasn't until Angel shrieked at them that they ran off," Charlie said in confusion.
"As they had mentioned before, they were having a sensory overload after Alastor had finished his cooking, add to the sudden change of their routine, they were already on edge with us being here, Angel was just the final straw that broke the camel's back" Vaggie crossed her arms and looked at the human again "they are capable of living a life like us, but they need extra guidance and help to ensure that happens, it doesn't stop things like this from happening but it can be, managed, I don't think it can be controlled completely"
"And here I was thinking someone wired their brain wrong" Alastor chuckled darkly as he stared at the victim in question "they have certainly done a good job hiding it"
Vaggie frowned even harder "if you think for one second I'm going to let you toy with them Alastor, you have another thing coming"
"As tempting as that is dear" Alastor replied as he rolled his eyes and leaned back "that would be too boring for me, besides, we are staying here free of charge, it would be terrible if I was to scare them to the point they want us to leave"
Vaggie snorted "don't lie demon, you know they would never do that, their social skills are almost none existent when they're under stress"
Alastor raised an eyebrow but looked away "regardless of what I think, we need to make sure they are at least comfortable that they don't give away our position, as much as it pains me to admit, without my powers, including Charlie, we are completely exposed here until we can find a way back" he pauses to look at them with a serious but humourous expression "at least one that doesn't require the use of a sacrifice if I recall correctly"
Charlie immediately shook her head "we would risk even more exposure if we did that, I'm honestly surprised that they haven't appeared yet considering I'm here, then again, perhaps that's why I don't have my powers, they would have been a literal beacon for them to come and inspect"
"A blessing in disguise" Alastor shuddered at the sentence "tis a shame I cannot take walks in the streets, I guess the saying is true" he muttered to himself before speaking loudly before they could question what he just said "now, how about we take this out of the room, they are going to need proper rest, especially since they still have work tomorrow, we can discuss this better elsewhere"
Vaggie wanted to snap back at him for being louder than they were, but Charlie pulled her out of the room before she could.
Alastor took a step to leave but paused to look down at their host. All that energy wasted on something so frivolous as Angel shrieking. What a waste. Well, no matter. He had no knowledge of this other than what was known at his time. Which was zero. And he wasn't planning to learn about it now.
But then again, if Angel was to cause them another mental attack, then their work at the radio station could be disastrous. And he could not in good conciounce let that happen, not when this was the only source of entertainment he could get besides, hopefully, early walks in the woods and, possibly, late walks as the sun is going down.
Maybe even. A midnight stroll.
Picking up the blanket that had been left at the end of the bed, he waved it over the 'sleeping' body so that the majority of it was covering them. It was the one they had taken with them last night. Look at him, scoring good points just for something so trivial.
"I am genuinely curious as to what runs through that brain of yours my dear" he muttered as he watched the unconscious form 'sleep' "how does one operate when the cables are either suffering from a rain storm or forced into sockets that don't fit? Causing you to go into 'shock' like the show you just put on" he chuckles as he moves away.
As much as he would like to delay the plan to get back home. He would like to at least figure out any methods that would work.
Even though it was nice to be back among the living, he did so miss walking the streets where everyone cowered before him in fear. The human was, unfortunately, not well equipped for talks of his caliber.

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