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Y/N rolls her eyes affectionately at her inner self's teasing, grateful for the lighthearted distraction. And as she returns to her work, a smile lingers on her lips, her thoughts drifting back to the charming CEO who never fails to brighten her day.



The ominous chamber is illuminated only by flickering torches, casting eerie shadows across the walls. Malachi, a figure of darkness and malevolence, sits upon a throne at the far end, his eyes glowing with anticipation as his workers approach him with urgent news.

WORKER: (hesitantly) "Master Dark , we bring grave tidings. The rumors have been confirmed. The descendant of the Moon goddess, the warrior foretold in ancient prophecy, she lives."

Dark's lips curl into a cruel smile, his voice a low growl of satisfaction.

DARK : "So, the whispers were true. The descendant of the Moon goddess has emerged from the shadows. How amusing."

His workers exchange uneasy glances, sensing the danger that looms on the horizon.

WORKER: (urgently) "But master, what of the prophecy? The one that foretells her power to vanquish darkness itself?"

Malachi's smile widens, his eyes gleaming with malevolent glee.

: "Foolish mortals and their prophecies. The power of the Moon goddess is no match for my own. I will crush this so-called warrior beneath my heel, and her legend will crumble to dust."

His workers bow in submission, though fear flickers in their eyes as they realize the magnitude of their master's ambitions.

WORKER: (quietly) "As you command, master. We shall prepare for the coming storm."

As DARK watches his minions depart, a sinister laughter echoes through the chamber, a chilling harbinger of the darkness to come. Victory is within his grasp, and nothing will stand in his way as he seeks to snuff out the light of the Moon goddess's descendant.


The dining room is adorned with flickering candles, casting a warm and intimate glow over the elegant table setting. Y/N enters the room, her heart swelling with happiness as she sees her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moon, waiting for her with beaming smiles.

Y/N: (excitedly) "Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. What's all this?"

Mr. Moon chuckles warmly as he gestures to the beautifully set table.

MR.MOON : (teasingly) "Just a little surprise for our beloved daughter. We thought a candlelight dinner would be a fitting way to celebrate."

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