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Awni's pov

I woke up by eight in the morning and got ready for the day. I wore a simple black skirt with white top and left my hair open with minimal makeup and accessories.

We were going to hangout out on the streets of Goa and local markets further by with lunch at the restaurant we made reservations at, then we haven't decided but we might go to a club as it's new year's eve today

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We were going to hangout out on the streets of Goa and local markets further by with lunch at the restaurant we made reservations at, then we haven't decided but we might go to a club as it's new year's eve today.


It was almost 11 am when I came back to my room after breakfast and decided to call my mom as she called yesterday and I didn't talk to her.

She never calls me when I'm out of the city. She doesn't even call to talk when I'm on long trips, so I wonder why is she calling me now. For sure something is wrong!

I dialled her number and she picked up in four rings.

"Hi mom" I said to her over the call.

"Hello beta, how's the trip going" she asked me. What the hell is wrong with her. She doesn't sound like the woman who I used to call mom who didn't care.

"It's great" I replied to her.

"Are you and the girls enjoying the trip" she asked me.
Okay, something is wrong because she never gave a fuck about me enjoying anything.

"Yes mom it's fun to be back on a trip after so long" I said.

"Good. You might have missed having the three of you together" she said.
Definitely something's wrong.

"Yeahh" I said with an sigh.

"And what about Aditya. Are you two spending time together" she questioned.

"Yes. He's fun to be with" I lied smoothly.

"Oh really?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied short and simple.

"Then why the hell is that friend of yours so close to him". She said with a different tone. Her usual one.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Your friend, that Freya. Why is she spending time with Aditya not you" she said. How the fuck does she knows.

"How do you know" I whispered to myself but she heard it.

"I have my sources. And who was the guy you were clinging to?" She replied then asked.

"He was no one. Just a friend. But what do you mean by sources" I asked her.

"I have people behind you to keep a check on you in Goa"

"People behind me? You mean you are paying people to stalk me and see if I'm doing the things you want me to" I said.

"It's not stalking. I just wanted my doubt to be cleared. I saw how Freya looked at Aditya when we all met and I knew something was fishy then. And now my doubts are clear" she said.

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