40 9 2

24th December
1:00 pm
Los Angeles Airport

Jinika's pov

I left my house and locked the door and checked all the bags.
I called an uber which arrived shortly and I soon settled in thinking about what I'll do as I'll reach there.

Finally I'm going to Mumbai. Back home after 4 years. Ahh I literally missed mumma, papa, Freya and Awni so so much and I missed the love of my life the most.
I craved Indian food.

Thinking about all this, I soon reached to the airport and made my way in through the check in and then through checking in my baggage. There was alot of it as I'll be there for almost six months approx.
I just carried my handbag with me and let the rest of my bags in the baggage claim.

I got through the security check and was now waiting for the time for the flight to board.
I had time before boarding in so I started to read a book but now I'm hungry so I decided to have a coffee and grab a bite.

I went to Starbucks and ordered an iced coffee and a sandwich as it was almost lunch time.

I enjoyed my sandwich and still the half cup coffee was left I decided to take it with me to the waiting area.

As I was walking with my bag on my shoulder and the coffee in my hand. A person collided into me making that coffee spill over my top.

"Can't you watch which way you're going" I said angrily looking at my white top which is stained by coffee. And the man was bending down to pick up his phone. Guess that landed on the floor when he collided with me.

I looked at the guy and he looked up at me too

We both said angrily.

"Huh you, what are you doing here" Ayan said.

"Why the hell are you here too" I whined

"Stop whining you're enough annoying already" he said and started walking away.

As he walked away I held his wrist and made him stand where he was in front of me.

"Heyy, you spilled my coffee and now you're just walking away" I said angrily.

"How much was it I'll pay for it" he said trying to remove his wallet and then I noticed I was still holding his one hand in mine.

"Chu- I can pay for myself. But it was your fault" I said and left his hand with a jerk

"It wasn't my fault okay" he said looking at me.

"Excuse me but you're the one walking without watching" i said.

"No, it was you because you were so engrossed in eating like a pig" he said.

"I was not eating like a pig" I said offended.

"You were and you do I've noticed it many times at the office too" he said.

"I. DO. NOT. EAT. LIKE. A. PIG" I said clarifying every word.

"YOU DO. YOU EVEN SNORE LIKE A PIG" he said in the same tone as me.

"You son of a bitch" I said and gasped at his statement.

"Heyy, no gaali" he said pointing his finger at me.

"Don't point your finger at me" I said and twisted his finger.

"Ahh, can you now stop fighting for the love of god"

"I will not, first you spilled my coffee so that's wasted and even my clothes are spoiled. And its all because of you" I said.

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