Your love made me Crazy

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Warming contains harmful theme such as rape, violence ! Read at your own risk.

The room was pitch black, and the air was ice cold. My ears picked up a steady, faint, beeping sound that seemed to echo through the room.

I groaned and tried to sit up, only to find myself anchored down by wires attached to my body. Panic set in as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings.

"Sasuke," a voice called out from the darkness. The sound of footsteps grew louder as the voice drew closer. Suddenly, the room was flooded with light, and I had to squint to see who it was. I recognized the red hair before I could even see the face.

"Karin?" I said, my voice hoarse and barely audible.

"Sasuke," she whispered, her hand squeezing mine reassuringly. "Thank God you're awake," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Pushing her hands away from me, a wave of anxiety hit me as I tried sitting up again. My body protested fiercely, letting out a scream of pain. Looking down, I realized that the wires were connected to a monitor emitting the beeping sound I had heard earlier.  

As I struggled to free myself from the hospital bed, I quickly ripped off the tape and pulled out the IV that was attached to me. In my haste, I threw it to the ground, not caring where it landed. Karin's voice called out to me, trying to stop me from ripping off the wires that were attached to my chest. I was too agitated to listen to her, and I smacked her hand away as I snatched the first wire off me. The machine started beeping rapidly, and the wave lines went flat, indicating something was wrong.

"Sasuke, please," she said, looking at me. "You just woke up. You should rest."

Ignoring her pleas, I ripped the rest of the wiring off my chest. The sensation of the tubes being pulled from my skin made me wince, but I couldn't ignore the feeling of the wires attached to my chest, making me feel trapped and vulnerable. Tossing the remaining wires to the ground. I slowly pulled back the white covers that were draped over me. As I let my feet drop to the cold ground, I shivered as a chill ran down my body. The frigid temperature of the room made me feel weak and vulnerable, as the coldness seemed to seep into my bones. Even the thin hospital gown I was wearing did little to protect me from the harshness of the environment.

"Sasuke," Karin called my name, and I looked over my shoulder at the call of my name. She looked anxious as she reached over to my bed, grabbed the remote control, and repeatedly jammed the nurse assistance button. After a moment, she tossed the remote back on my bed and hurriedly came towards me, pleading with me to take some rest.

"Please, Sasuke," she said, "It's too soon for you to be walking. You need to rest."  Her words were soft but firm, and I could sense the urgency in her tone. It was clear that she was worried about my condition and wanted me to take it easy.

I pushed the door of my hospital room, and a sudden wave of darkness overtook me, sending a shiver down my spine and turning everything black. It was an eerie feeling that made me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. I looked towards Karin, hoping for some assurance that I wasn't going insane. But her face started to blur, and her words sounded like a jumble of syllables as she rushed to my side.

In an instant, I felt an intense burning sensation on my left side, a pain that was beyond my comprehension. I lifted my hospital gown, only to find that the wound on my left side had opened up. It was a large wound that had been stitched up after surgery, but now, it looked like it had burst open, causing me immense discomfort and agony.

Despite the pain, I tried to remain calm and composed, trying to put pressure on my wound. But it was excruciating, and I couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration as all my energy drained from my body.

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