Only the weak will fall

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Sasuke POV

As I sat alone in the dimly lit bedroom, the silence around me was suffocating. The weight of my own thoughts pressed down on me with an intensity that made it hard to breathe. My mind was a jumbled mess, memories of a time long gone mixed with the present. I could feel the pain that had consumed me, and I tried to numb it with the bottle of sake in my hand.

The room was eerily quiet, and every sound seemed to be amplified, making it even harder to focus. I looked around the room, taking in every detail, trying to distract myself from the pain that was gnawing at my insides. As I looked around, I was struck by how much the room felt like home. The furniture, the decor, every nook and cranny held within it a piece of my past. However, one constant remained amidst all the familiar surroundings - (F/N).

She had been my light in the darkness that had consumed my life. Even though she was not a Uchiha like me, she had always accepted us as we were. I remembered the times we had spent together, laughing and joking like carefree children. She had never judged us, never looked down on us for being different.

But now, as I stood there, I realized that even she was slipping away from me. I had always harbored feelings for her, hoping that she would one day see me as more than just the younger Uchiha brother. But she had always been too busy with Itachi, the one person who had taken everything from me.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that the one thing I had always wanted was the one thing that I could never have. I could feel my grip tightening on the bottle of sake, the glass cracking under the pressure. Laughing through my nose at the sight, a mixture of anger and sadness consuming me. My sanity swayed, and I smiled, Pulling the bottle to my lips and taking a large gulp of the dark liquid.

Tears streamed down my face, and my heart ached with a pain that I could never fully articulate. I despised Itachi for what he had done; he was my brother, my flesh and blood. Despite that, all my heart could harbor toward him was hate.

As I stood alone in that dark room, I felt more alone than ever before. The only thing that reminded me of my past, of home, and of the good times that I had left behind was slipping away from me, leaving me with nothing but bitter memories and the pain that came with them.

I was consumed by a sudden, overwhelming feeling of anger and bitterness that bubbled up inside me, making my blood boil. My anger reached a tipping point, and I let out a loud, guttural scream, hoping to release some of the pent-up tension. However, the scream did little to quell my rage.


In a fit of impulsivity, gripping the bottle I held, I hurled it across the room with all my might. The bottle made a loud crash as it hit the wall and shattered into a million tiny pieces, sending its contents spilling all over the ground.

Despite the temporary release of throwing the bottle, my anger continued to intensify. In a moment of unbridled fury, I kicked the kitchen chair with all my might, sending it flying across the room and causing the table to flip over with a thud. My anger was now uncontainable, and I began to lash out at everything around me. I knocked over objects, shattered glass, and destroyed items as I rampaged through the room, reducing my once-peaceful home into a chaotic mess.

The sound of shattering objects echoed through the room as I struggled to contain my anger. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Fuck you, Itachi! I fucking hate you!" I grabbed a chair and threw it with all my might, causing it to collide with the counter and sending objects flying in all directions. I fell to my knees, overwhelmed by the intensity of my emotions, and let out another scream of frustration. Punching the floor until my hands were covered with my own blood.

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