Let the games begin

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Pov Itachi

I cleared my mind of the memory and slumped onto my bed, feeling the warmth of (F\N) 's body still lingering on the sheets. I couldn't help but think about her beauty and how it had only become more striking with time. Even when we were younger, she had a certain allure that made it impossible to take my eyes off her despite her attempts to hide behind messy buns and oversized clothing. I let out a heavy sigh and knocked my head against the backboard of my bed, trying to shake off these thoughts that seemed to be consuming me.

Hidan's laughter echoed through the room as he leaned against my door frame, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up at him, annoyed, and sat up against my headboard, crossing one leg over the other. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to hide my irritation.

"She is quite beautiful; I would sacrifice her to Jashin if she were not yours. What a gift she would be to him." He said, with a sadistic smile spreading across his face as He blabbed on.

Resting my head against the headboard, I hadn't slept well. My mind kept replaying the events from earlier. I couldn't get the image out of my mind - the moment when she collapsed, her body falling onto mine. I felt a sudden surge of strength, stronger than I had ever felt before. I looked down at the petite raven beauty and couldn't stop staring ever since then. She was stuck in my mind. Was it because of the past? Was it because she reminded me of Izumi? I sighed, knowing I couldn't lie to myself.

Once again, my thoughts were interrupted by Hidan's voice. "Are you listening to Itachi?" he asked, pulling me back to reality. I realized I had been lost in my thoughts and hadn't heard a word he had said.

"Yes." I lied, hoping to hide my distraction.

"Good." He smirked, and his eyes seemed to glow. "May the best man win."

Hidan pushed off the door, turning away from me.

As Hidan turned to leave, I was confused and called out, "May the best man win what exactly?"

Hidan looked back at me and replied with a hint of mischief in his voice, "Her affection." After that, he knocked his knuckles against the door frame and disappeared down the hallway.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. What was that crazy fucker up to?


I sat on the bed in the bedroom Itachi had locked me in; I heard a light knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat, hoping it was Itachi coming to apologize for his actions earlier. I laughed at the thought, knowing deep down that it was unlikely to happen.

Summoning up my courage, I stood and called out, "Come in," knowing full well that I had no control over what would happen. The door creaked open, and a man with slicked-back grey hair entered the room. He leaned against the door, eyes scanning the room and then fixing on me. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me as I wondered what he wanted. His eyes glistened as they wandered up and down the length of my body.

The man standing in front of me seemed to be in his late twenties. He had long, messy hair, and his eyes were a piercing purple. He introduced himself in a deep, rumbling, confident, and slightly intimidating voice, "I am Hidan." His lips quirked up in a smirk before he continued, "You are?"

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, feeling a bit uneasy under his gaze. "I'm Itachi's captive," I grumbled, not really in the mood for small talk.

Hidan chuckled, his nose flaring as he laughed and posed a question that seemed to be more of an attempt to make conversation than anything else, "May I know your name?"

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