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"Ahhh , s-stop hyung please I'm sorry , it won't happen a-again I'm sorry hyung please forgive me" the 15 years old jungkook is lying on the living room floor and crying in pain because of the hits he is getting from his brother .

Why ? , well it is because he had only ate a single piece of bread . When his brothers clearly forbid him from eating until they give him permission .

But what can the poor boy do , he was so hungry that he couldn't control himself . As it was already 2 days he had a last meal . He didn't even drink a bit of water in these 48 hours . But still he waited , he waited for his brother's to allow him to eat something atleast their leftovers . But seems like they totally forgot about the thing that he is  starving and waiting for their permission .

Finally after 2 days , the poor boy had enough he can't control his hunger anymore . So at night when everyone was in their respective rooms after dinner , he tip toe and come out of his room ,

He searched for some food , but to his bad luck , the fridge and the cabinets were locked . He knew that his brother intentionally locked the cabinets .

He was disappointed and was about to leave the kitchen but his eyes caught a side of packet which was thrown into the dustbin . He walked towards the bin and picked up the packet . His eyes sparkled when he saw that two piece of bread are still inside .

He got so happy that finally , he will able to eat something . And his hyungs will also not find out about it as it was already thrown into the dustbin so he wasn't afraid to get caught .

He sit on the floor and happily starts to eat the bread . He knows that it's not enough to kill his hunger but still he was grateful . But suddenly he felt a hard kick on his face . Making his face hit hard on the floor . He hissed in pain and screadly looked up . And his breath hitched when he saw the person .

It was namjoon who was glaring at him like he will kill him any moment .

"What the hell do you think you are doing huh" namjoon said angrily and make him stand up by grabbing his hair  in a painful way .

"Hy-hyung it's hu-hurting please leave me . I'm s-sorry " jungkook said while trying to lose namjoon's grip on his hair . Tears already starts to fall from his eyes . As namjoon's strength is not a joke at all .

Namjoon tighten his grip more and said "Tell me didn't we forbid you to eat anything huh . Didn't we ?" he shouted and slap him 2 times on the same cheek "Answer me you sh!t"

"Yes h-hyung yo-you all did fo-forbid me to eat . I'm-I'm sorry hyung I won't do it again" he said while joining his both palm together . Hoping for some mercy . But he knows that he won't get any .

"Then , how dare you to disobey us huh . Now let me show you the consequences . Of going against our words" saying this namjoon starts to drag him to the living room by his hair ,  namjoon harshly pushed him to the floor . Which makes jungkook's head hit the table and as a result it starts to bleed . But namjoon being namjoon , he didn't give a damm about it .

Jungkook was feeling dizzy because of the harsh impact . But he shook his head to stay conscious . As he knows that if he become unconscious in the middle of the punishment , then it angers his brothers more . As it doesn't entertain them to beat his senseless body . So for his own good he always try to stay conscious .

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