Chapter One

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"Wishkit," the voices repeated, overlapping each other as tension became more intense, growing louder and louder until I couldn't handle it anymore. They spoke with a soft tone, but the volume was too great for my small ears.
Flailing limbs.
Burning lungs.
Help me, I wanted to scream. But help me I couldn't. I couldn't scream, couldn't think, couldn't concentrate.
"Wishkit!" The voice snapped, and all went still, even me. From fear or calm, I couldn't tell. My breathing slowed to a steady pace.
"Where am I?" I called into the abyss.
No answer.
Still, no answer.
I looked around, but it was as if my eyes were closed. Nothing. I was floating in nothing.
"Regain yourself," the voice ordered, and I took a deep breath. I was so used to dreaming about my warrior ceremony every night that not dreaming about it confused me. "Come forth," the voice ordered again. Her voice was crisp yet somehow so loving and kind.
I was confused and didn't know how to step forward, but I placed my paw down and the darkness sparked, lighting up. I was surprised to feel solid ground under my pads. I placed another paw down, and more of the floor lit up—it chilled me to the bone, and I shivered. The ground was freezing, almost as if I were walking on ice.
Steadily, I walked forward. I didn't know if the voice was in that direction, but it was the only thing I could do. With each step, the ground sparked and sputtered before lighting up.
I spotted a bright light in the distance, and bound forward. Eventually, I reached it—The Moonstone.
I was unsure what to do, so I touched it with my nose. Light burst around me, killing the darkness. I winced and covered my eyes with my paw.
"Wishkit!" The voice called, more clearly now as if she were standing beside me and not an echo. I slowly moved my paw and opened my eyes. Upon glancing around, I was shocked to find myself standing amidst StarClan warriors. "Wishkit," the voice smiled warmly and approached. "Hello, dear."
"Wh-but, wait-I'm-I-StarClan..!" I stuttered, tripping over my words in shock.
The cat chuckled, her star-scattered fur glistening in the light. "Yes, dear, we are StarClan. But we did not come here in vain, for we bring a warning to you and your clan."
"A... A warning?"
"Yes, dear. A warning. 'Tis the calm before the storm, and all seems well. Only until it's too late will the river run red," she whispered, causing me to shiver.
"What does that mea-"
"Child, heed my words!" She yelled frantically. "Beware the curse!" The light became blinding, and I woke with a jolt in my nest. Breathing hard and fast, I wondered what had just happened, and what I could do to prevent whatever it was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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