Chapter 10: Connor Down

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It was the day after and time was 5:35 am as Abby was asleep and then she heard a groan come from her son's bedroom, which set off alarms in her head as the dance teacher got up and headed to the bathroom next to Connor's room and saw that Connor was at the toilet looking nauseous, he was sweating and holding his stomach he felt a really bad pain hit it, then he vomited in the toilet.

"Connor!" Abby exclaimed, worry on her face from seeing her son sick. "What's wrong?"

"Mom, i was asleep and all of a sudden, i felt pain in the middle of the abdomen along my right side and i felt some dizziness rush through me." Connor responded in pain.

Abby felt Connor's forehead and it was hot.

"I might not be a doctor and all, but i think it's your Appendix and i've seen this happen to one of my dancers years ago before you were born." Abby predicted. "I'll take you to the hospital to check if it's Appendicitis and if it is, you did a wonderful job letting me know it just started."

Connor nodded as Abby gently walked her son to the Escalade, which was sitting out in the driveway and carefully helped him get in the front seat before Abby got in the driver's seat and began driving

5 minutes later, they arrived at the NorthShore Glenbrook Hospital, the same hospital where Abby gave birth to Connor as Abby found a parking spot closest to the entrance before she got out to get her son from the front seat as she helped him walk as they entered the hospital and approached the receptionist's desk

"Hi there, Abby." The receptionist greeted, she knew Abby from the time she gave birth to Connor as she had been at NorthShore Glenbrook Hospital the year prior to Connor's birth. "What brings you in?"

"Hello, i'm here as my son is in a lot of pain, i think it's Appendicitis." Abby explained.

"Oh, dear. I'll bring a doctor down."

A few minutes later, a doctor with black hair and brown eyes named Lauren Norris arrived as she has been the Millers' family doctor since Abby had given birth to Connor.

"Hello, Abby. " Dr. Norris greeted the dance teacher. "What could be the problem?"

"Around 5:35 am, which was a few minutes ago, i heard my son Connor groan, so i got up to see what was wrong and when i got to the bathroom near his room, i saw him throwing up in the toilet and he told me he felt pain around his belly button before it moved to the lower right area of his abdomen and when i felt his forehead, he was clearly burning up." Abby explained.

"It just started when i felt pain in the middle of the abdomen along my right side which woke me up."

"Looks like a case of Appendicitis." Dr. Norris stated. "We'll take him the 4th floor for testing and while we're doing that, you can wait in the waiting room if you'd like."

"Sure." Abby responded as another doctor came with a gurney and Abby and Dr. Norris helped Connor lay on the gurney before heading to the 4th floor and the dance teacher was in the waiting room as her son had been wheeled in the Emergency Room for testing and 10 minutes later, Dr. Norris emerged.

"Ms. Miller, after extensive testing, it's confirmed that your son indeed has Appendicitis and since he felt the early signs and alerted you, we'll be able to get his Appendix out before it can even rupture. In addition, when we asked how he wanted to get his Appendectomy done, he responded with laparoscopically which means he'll recover in one or two weeks."

Abby was relieved that Connor was going to be all right and caught the early signs of Appendicitis.

"All right and he graduates on May 17th., so hopefully he recovers in time." Abby said.

"I know he will." Dr. Norris assured.

Meanwhile, in the operation room, the surgeons were surround Connor, who was lying on the operation table as his Appendectomy was about to begin.

"All right, Connor, we are about to start the Appendectomy to get your inflamed Appendix out and before you know it, it'll be over." One of the surgeons, who was a male stated before putting mask over his mouth.

"Now can you count down from 10, please?" Another surgeon, who was a female asked.

Connor began to count backwards from 10 and when he got to 4, he was knocked out and with that, the surgeons started the Appendectomy as the time was 6:00 am.

An hour later, it was 7:00 am in the waiting room, Abby was sitting in the waiting room and she was asleep before Dr. Norris came into the waiting room smiling ass the dance teacher woke up.

"Ms. Miller, great news, i'm happy to inform you that your son Connor's Appendectomy was a total success, he didn't have any complications whatsoever and we got it out before it burst. He's now in a recovery room that gives a view of the south. Also, he'll be out tomorrow morning as we'll observe him."

Abby was happy, hearing that Connor's Appendectomy was a success.

"In addition, he'll have to put his usual activities on hold for at least a week and also, he'll have to eat fruits, vegetables, seafood, low fat dairy poultry, tofu, beans and whole grains and make sure he gets plenty of sleep and rest. But he'll recover in time for his graduation."

Abby nodded, even though she knew he would miss the upcoming competition, he would definitely be back for the competition after, which would be the day prior to next weekend's competition.

"Thanks for letting me know and the stuff you listed that he should eat, he eats that anyway."

"Great to know." Dr. Norris commented. "Would you like to see him?"

"Yes, please."

Abby followed Dr. Norris down the hallway to the hospital room where Connor was as Dr. Norris slowly opened the door and let Abby enter first and she saw her son asleep in the hospital bed and he didn't look pale, he regained his healthy shade and there were stitches below his navel. Connor then opened his eyes and saw his mother smiling at him.

"H..H..Hey," Connor greeted his mother softly as he was slightly disoriented from his appendectomy.

"Hi, Connor. How are you feeling?" Abby asked as she leaned over and kissed him on the top of his head.

"A little disoriented, tired and sore considering that i just had a appendectomy." Connor replied.

"In case if you're about to ask what time it is, it's 4:34 am." Abby informed him.

"Hello, Connor. Just to let you know, you'll have to halt your favorite activities for a week and also, he'll have to eat fruits, vegetables, seafood, low fat dairy poultry, tofu, beans and whole grains and make sure he gets plenty of sleep and rest. But you will recover in time for your graduation."

"All righty."

Through the day, the girls, moms, OG7 and their families visited Connor as tomorrow, he would be headed home to start his recovery from his appendicitis.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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