Chapter 2: First Solos

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The next week at The Studio, The Dancers, The Original Seven and the moms were all in Studio A as it was a new week of dancing and minutes later, Abby, Connor and Gianna came in. The three circled the Dancers before standing in their spots.

"We won!" Abby exclaimed as applause was heard.

"Yeah, winners!" Joanne said.

"Maddie, Mackenzie, Chloe, Nia, Brooke, Paige, Kendall, your mentoring so far is paying off and your mothers did a good job intervening when drama happened." Abby told her Original Seven dancers. "Now, that's enough."

The applause stopped.

"Now, you might have been the highest scoring junior group there, but in our eyes, that wasn't an ALDC performance we're used to seeing." Connor added.

"You got that right, the dancers had one goal and that's come here and dance together as one and we didn't see that whatsoever. What we saw were seven soloists on the stage.' Abby said.

"We've danced for Miss Abby when we were little and it took us years to dance together as one even though our moms would drive her up the rails." Nia stated as Maddie, Mackenzie, Brooke, Paige, Chloe and Kendall nodded.

"Right and now let's move on to the first pyramid. First..." Abby revealed the first headshot on the lower level, which was Hannah's headshot. "Hannah, the turns look weak and we do not want a weak link."

"Next..." Connor revealed the next headshot, which turned out to be Pressley's headshot. "...Pressley, when it comes to doing a toe lift, backbend, back walkover, do not step down on your foot."

"Next is..." Abby revealed what turned out to be Lilly's headshot. "...Lilly. The Favorite was third and you were the lead, but yet you went out on that stage and slipped. From that point on, your musicality was fast."

"I just felt like that i had a ton of pressure on me because like, when we were in Pyramid you said that i never let you down and i feel like i just let you down." Lilly admitted.

"You did."

"It was an acro-clown dance." Stacey added. "Nobody thought that the dance was gonna win anything the whole week."

"Brady didn't get to dance in a trio. But i'm not complaining about it." Tricia butted in.

"We were so happy to be in a dance instead of being on the sideline, so be happy that she was in a dance." Michelle commented.

"All right, that's enough!" Melissa shouted, sensing drama.

"Abby, Connor, continue." Kelly added.

"Thanks, next on the Pyramid..." Connor revealed Savannah's headshot. "...Savannah, we saw some growth and improvement, but we need to see more."

Savannah nodded.

"Moving up to the middle...." Abby revealed Sarah's headshot. "...Sarah, you did well.

"Next we have..." Connor revealed Brady's headshot. "...Brady, we think you improved emotionally, but the dancing was timid however. The attack you had in rehearsal just wasn't there on the stage."

"And on the top of the pyramid..." Abby revealed GiaNina's headshot. "...GiaNina, you stayed focused and you performed.

"This week, we'll be traveling to Indianapolis, Indiana and we're attending the Dream Maker competition." Connor informed. "Also, we're doing two solos, which will be the first solos of the season. The first solo is going to go to Lilly. Lilly, the name of your solo is called Mommy Dearest."

The moms couldn't help but laugh a little.

"And the last solo will go to Savannah." Connor continued. "Your solo is Metamorphosis and that was one of Brooke's solos from 2011 because we saw a change in her then and we've seen a change in you now, but we need to see more."

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