Chapter 6: Exit Savannah and Erin, Enter Elliana and Yolanda

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2 weeks had passed since Brady was sent home and the team consisted of girls with Brady gone and that changed the dynamic of the team, the week after Brady was sent home and at the competition, the group got 2nd, Sarah got 3rd with her solo and GiaNina's solo was pulled because Joanne was not happy that Abby wanted GiaNina to wear slippers on stage. After the competition, Abby announced that since Brady leaving wasn't enough, she and Connor decided to bring in a new member of the team, they pulled out a picture of Elliana Walmsley, who had danced for Abby since 2015 and was a part of the mini team along with Lilly before they got moved into the elite team. Stacey wasn't happy as she and Elliana's mother Yolanda had some friction and once, Yolanda choked her in the studio parking lot, she also elbowed Connor inadvertently when he helped break the fight up and Erin didn't like it and complained over the Walmsley's coming back.

It was March 11th and at the studio, the girls, Original Seven and their moms came in Studio A where Abby, Gianna and Connor were standing, then they noticed that Savannah and Erin weren't there.

"Somebody's M.I.A. aka Missing in Action." Connor said.

"Yeah." Abby agreed, before looking at the moms. "Where's Savannah?"

"We don't have a clue." The girls all said in unison.

"Is her car in the parking lot?" Connor wondered.

"No." Joanne said.

"She isn't in the parking lot." Holly added.

"She's not here, she left." Michelle stated.

"We don't think she's coming." Kelly commented as Abby and Connor looked at each other.

"Last night, she stopped by and this enviorment isn't good for her, i think." Ann told them.

"Who, for her or for her child?" Abby raised her eyebrow.

"For her." Stacey replied. "The mom."

"Oh, the mom." Connor said.

"It's quite obvious that Erin doesn't want her daughter to lose to Elliana." Jill remarked.

"Good point, Jill." Melissa told Jill.

"But they're on the same team." Abby said. "We know there's rivalries like Maddie-Chloe and many others, but ultimately, it's about the team."

"That's why we're all here." Joanne commented.

"It doesn't make sense to me. Like, i feel like if i can be here, you can be here." Lilly told the moms.

"We know you had physical altercations with Yolanda." Connor reminded Stacey. "I remember when she elbowed me in the face when i was trying to help break up the fight you two had. So, we get that."

Ann turned around with the word security on the back of the shirt.

"But i came protected this time." Stacey stated.

"Kind of reminds me of the time we were in New Orleans for Nationals six years ago with Christi getting into a fight with Leslie." Abby commented.

"Did you have to bring that up?" Christi sighed.

"Who's Leslie?" Joanne asked.

"Leslie Ackerman was one of the moms of the studio, she has two daughters that danced here named Taylor and Payton. Payton got to dance with the team several times and she was a fantastic dancer, but it was Leslie causing trouble." Connor explained.

"Now i get it."

"Connor, myself and Gia are insulted and are P.O'd." Abby stated. "We cannot believe somebody would have this oppourtunity for their child, who is a dancer. This is the best place for her to be. It's quite obvious that the mother does not have any faith in her child and we've seen it before and that's sad. I've taught Connor great lessons not only in the studio, but at home as well. All right, it's pyramid time."

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