7 | Fight, Hide, Run

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Chu didn't know what to do with this feeling of rage. Steam endlessly shot from her pores, heating the surroundings to scorching degrees. Rocks melted into magma, water boiled to nothing, and flora wilted as she walked. Why was she walking? That was simple.

She was hunting. Frieza's men were scattered all across the world, pillaging while their master was dealing with the "monkeys" in his way. They thought it fun to terrorize whoever was left in their downtime. So Chu decided to do the same. Village after village, she hunted them without rest.

Fight, Hide, or Run. Those were the options she gave. That was her game. How do you win? Survive her. Evade her. Entertain her. Believe it or not, some won her game and got to live. However, they were only met with Buu afterward.

It wasn't very hard to keep her entertained. It wasn't hard to play her game (in her opinion). She never displayed her full strength during it because she wanted them to last. But even still, these guys were nothing.

"N-no! Stay away! Stay Aw-"


She blew off another head, letting the body fall and bleed. His comrades were sprayed with brain matter, paling before fleeing for their lives. Some tried to fight, obviously, but they were met with the same end. They couldn't keep up, they couldn't take a hit, they didn't know how to dodge.



"No... NOOO!"


"It can't find me in here...!" The smarter ones tried to hide. Really, they did.

"Hello there~" But they were bad at that, too.



Carnage was everywhere. Chu was used to the scene already. This was far from the first time she'd rampaged. Some worlds angered her just like this. Some that insulted her passiveness in the wake of her brother's destruction. People that took things from her that were hers and hers alone.

Sometimes it was Buu on the other end of her wrath. She'd spend days tearing him a new one for destroying planets she wanted to keep. It was often that on his little destructive runs, he'd end up killing something she found soft and cute that she wanted to take.

They would fight for days. Blow each other up, blow up other worlds as collateral, regenerate, and then they'd fight again. Sometimes Buu did it on purpose as it was the only way to get her angry enough to fight him fully. He'd fight her until her rage was sated.

Often, as a sort of apology, he'd find her something new to cuddle with. Magically, she'd no longer be grumpy... that, and his food would no longer taste like clay. Chu was petty that way.

Then they'd fight again for the heck of fighting. Rinse, wash, repeat.

Others who made her mad were not so lucky. They were taken out so maliciously that what Buu did seemed generous. None escaped when she "played", and it was the reason no one knew who she was.

No one was alive to know who she was aside from her brother's shadow.

It was so rare in the scale of all the deaths that the Kais didn't pay it heed. When Buu took out hundreds of worlds, Chu would only eviscerate the one, and then nap for months. So quick it was the same as blinking and then it was gone. Too much was going on for something like that to be noticed, no matter how horrible it was.

Chu was the passive twin who liked to nap, often not with Buu physically when he destroyed. Her passiveness was born from the positive energy she slowly absorbed as her brother took countless lives. Violent deaths left traces that she took in, and most of the people Buu took out were innocent.

Majin Chu [Majin OC - DBZ Canon Divergent]Where stories live. Discover now