4 | Hugs Are Nice

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"What the-!" The leader of the attack force, whom she'd popped up behind, immediately turned, "Wait, you're not a Namekian."

The leader, Tempo, was confused. Who was this chubby purple whatsit? He was so confused he tried to get a reading on her. The moment he did, his scouter only picked up the amount of power a child would have.

"What the heck are you supposed to be?" Any apprehension the others felt vanished with a scoff. "Gum?"

"Puddy?" Another started laughing, outright pointing at her.

"Chu not gum!" Chu didn't like that at all. The purple child steamed, little puffs of white smoke coming from the ports in her antennae. For anyone who knew her, this would have been a warning.

But for these guys, the sight just made them laugh more. It was far from intimidating. They had no idea who she was nor did they care. Chu was tiny, hardly a foot and a half. Sure, they knew of strong, small opponents like Guldo from the infamous Ginyu Force, but this wasn't him. It was some snot-nosed kid!

"Just kill them all and let's be done." The captain didn't have time for games. He had a mission to complete, a quota to fill. If he didn't, it was more likely that Lord Frieza skin him alive than give him the promotion he sought.

"It was a good laugh, pipsqueak!" The two guys laughing at Chu did as they were told, blasting her with everything they had. It was a few moments before they stopped, and they turned, not even caring to see if they were successful.

That was... until they heard a strange sound.



Was that... a tea kettle steaming? No, it was coming from behind them. Everything had been laid to waste, who would think of making a pot of tea right now? But the sound kept getting louder.



And it was then that the dust cloud cleared, revealing an angry, forcefully steaming Chu. With every batch of steam, their scouters beeped a warning.







It just kept shooting up. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. This weak grape gum kid was unfazed by their attack? Were their scouters broken? But that couldn't be, they had the latest models!

The ground cracked, and the Majin baby steamed again, the holes on her cheeks bursting. Chu was not pleased. Plus, she was especially hungry. If this is how they wanted to play, then so be it.

She floated just a bit off the ground, green energy slowly building around her. Chu started to grin, eyes closed in delight at what she was about to do. Others could see her sharp canines, which were similar to what you'd see of a vampire. She raised her gloved hand, gathering the energy in her palm.

At first, it was a speck. Then it was a ball. Then it just kept growing, and growing, until finally, it was as big as they were. She opened a single eye, giving them a smile that was far from friendly. The next second, the giant ball split into tons of mini ones, zooming through the air to their targets.


The moment they touched them, they detonated with gusto. One by one, she blew them all up. The green ones were weaker, so she left them alone. Plus, they weren't the ones teasing her. If anything, they looked afraid of her too. Seems they could sense that she was a problem. They died from their wounds not long after though, she didn't care.

Majin Chu [Majin OC - DBZ Canon Divergent]Where stories live. Discover now