6 | Good, Bad, Chu

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After the Z-Warriors clarified that they were not enemies (much to Chu's boredom because she was looking for another easy meal), they explained why they were there in the first place. Since they were not a threat to Kyuri or his brothers, Chu explored the hut.

It was a lot bigger than she thought it would be on the inside. In the center was a huge namekian, much older than the rest. Despite his massive size, however, his energy was the weakest she'd felt on the planet, weakening by the second. His energy was unstable, fluctuating in its waning state.

It was so confusing for Chu, and confusion led to curiosity. Wanting to satiate this curiosity, she floated around his head. The closer she was, the better. Going in an untold amount of circles until she was dizzy, she tried her best to investigate this weird namekian.

Guru didn't seem to mind it at all, finding her childish studying of him a little funny. He'd gotten the gist of who she was from Kyuri, who actively told him everything they'd been through getting there. Though it worried him as he, too, studied her.

She was a mix between evil and good, drifting on a balanced middle ground that had yet to choose a dominant side. Both sides of her psyche had mellowed the other out, blanking the slate for something new to form.

This being was in a state of "learning". A delicate state of mind is akin to a young child attempting to grasp the world around them. Anything they learned now would stick with them, growing with them as they matured. Her form reflected her state of mind, and so did her actions. This being, was in essence, a toddler with great power.

A child of great evil.

A child capable of great good if taught well.

The "M" on her top was familiar to him, but Guru could not place where he may have seen or heard of it. It was something for another time, maybe another life.

"You must be Chu." He said. Though his voice was soft, trembling from age, he spoke clearly. Kindly. "Thank you for guiding my last remaining sons here safely. I am forever grateful."

"Kyuri gave hug. Kyuri best friend forever."

"Haha!" His laugh was a gentle thing, soft and sweet. "I'm glad to hear it."

The sincerity of his gratitude wasn't lost on Chu, but she didn't understand it enough. She liked the feeling of being thanked, however. It was a nice feeling. Kyuri did the same, and so did the others. Chu didn't know how to take that amount of gratefulness, frankly. It was new to her.

It was not laced with fear.

She'd never met beings so nice before, especially to her. Buu had been the only exception, and they fought very often for the prettiest of things. They'd even fight over who'd get to eat the last piece of candy for hours.

Though it always went from "fighting because I'm mad at you" to "fighting because it's fun".

This was different. They were different. Their innate generosity was even shown in their energy, as it was one of the purest Chu had come across. The bit that Kyuri gave her before was delicious, and a part of her wanted to have these people as a meal.

They would nourish her much more than the bullies would...

But that would make her the same as them, and right now, they were prey. So as tasty as namekian life energy was, she would not eat it unless they offered it, like Kyuri did before. Something in her was telling her this was the right thing to do. Her tummy, maybe? She would listen to her tummy.

Now casually sitting on Guru's shoulder, she listened in on the information they were sharing with the baldy, kid, and Dende. The more they spoke, the more confused she got. A password for a wishing dragon? What was a dragon? Porunga? It can revive like she can? No, it can do better? Does it hurt like hers does?

Majin Chu [Majin OC - DBZ Canon Divergent]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt