2 | Sealed Away

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Time passed, and Bibidi progressively got sicker. He would spend his nights in agony, using his magic just to try to appear normal before them. He knew that any show of weakness would be met with death. He spent his days fearful of when he couldn't keep it up, of the day he'd die of whatever this strange illness was.

He'd never seen it before in all of his research, nothing he did alleviated his agony. So he kept searching, coming across the rumor that those in the realm of the Kais had access to fruits thought to restore vitality. He wasted countless years searching for it until they came to a certain world.

His efforts weren't in vain. He'd found it! The Sacred World Of The Kais! Here, he could gather what he needed. Maybe he could even become a god? With grand dreams, they set off.

Chu, however, wasn't excited. She was a predator eagerly hunting, and her prey was at the end of his rope. Watching him struggle without any knowledge of what she was doing was peak entertainment. He was dancing on her palm.

Though this planet... there was something about it that felt different to her. It had the strongest opposition they'd seen, with an energy she found fascinating. They called themselves "Supreme Kai" or something and had some sort of vendetta against Bibidi and Buu.

But there wasn't a mention of Chu. Nothing. It was weird.

"Grrrah!" Frankly, it pissed her off that he was getting all of the attention. They can fight Buu all day, but she wanted to fight too! She was there!

"Oh no, there's two of them!"

There were always two!

"Only one should exist...!"

And it went on like this. They spoke of how Buu was meant to only be one. How for an age before them, he'd been a single entity that shouldn't have been awoken. It was always Buu.

Just Buu.

Only Buu.

Frankly, Chu felt a little insulted. No, she was a lot insulted. Were they looking down on her right now?

A grave mistake.

Chu went on a rampage. It was one of the first times she'd been made mad on that scale. No one talks down to her. No one hurts her feelings. How dare they make her feel insulted? Chu promised pain to them, and pain they got.

North Supreme Kai, dead. The fangs she has aren't just for show, and she made sure the old-looking Kai knew as she mauled him. With every bite she took his energy, until he was a husk left to drop into the rivers he liked fishing on.

West Supreme Kai, annihilated. She shot a bomb-like ki blast right into her face, blowing it clean off. She didn't stop there, letting mini bombs blow up the rest of her body too, until nothing but an ash outline was left.

Buu was rooting for her on the side, beating his chest like a gorilla. Hearing his form of positive cheering, she finally calmed back down, letting him take on the rest of them.

But when they got to South Supreme Kai, they were shocked by his strength. He put up a great battle against Buu, injuring Buu enough that he decided to absorb him. Buu had done this a few times before, but never as a last resort.

He transformed into a hulking version of himself, much to Chu's curiosity. He was so big she could ride on just one of his shoulders. But he looked super slow, and Chu wouldn't be Chu if she didn't tease him for it.

And just as she thought, when he tried to chase her, he couldn't. He was too slow now. After a few moments of him fruitlessly trying to catch her, she decided to absorb the lingering energy, the remaining part of the Kai's soul.

Majin Chu [Majin OC - DBZ Canon Divergent]Where stories live. Discover now