3 | The Awakening of... A Purple Toddler?

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Rest in Peace to the inspirational Akira Toriyama, you will be missed.

You know, my family and I grew up watching Dragon Ball. It had been one of my favorite shows and my brother and I would watch it faithfully. We had every CD, movie, and toy.

It's a shame to lose such a legend so suddenly. He will be missed.


It's dark, that was her first thought after regaining her sense of self. It was dark, and she was hungry. Very, very hungry. She didn't like it. She couldn't remember what had happened before being in the 'dark'.

Where was her brother? She'd never been away from him, ever. This was strange to her. She couldn't feel him over her mind link, either. Not entirely. It was so faint it might as well have not been there at all. She didn't like that either. She needed to find him and punch him for leaving her alone.

She was too tired to think more than that. Instead of thinking about everything stressing her out, she'd rather sleep. So that is what she did. Within the next few moments, she went back into oblivion. Those problems were for the future Chu to solve, present Chu was busy with a nap.

There was no sense of time passed, so it could have been an untold amount of centuries that passed before she woke from her 'nap'. But it solved some of her problems, such as her 'hunger'.

See, Chu doesn't eat like other beings. That is a choice. What she takes in is energy. As she slept, passively, energy was being gathered into her. Wherever she was, they had decent amounts of it. It was a... nice energy. Pure. She'd never gathered such energy before, having always taken it from exploding planets and such.

And this was a lot slower. She missed blowing up planets with Buu. She missed Buu, period. He'd blow up the nearest thing to make sure she wasn't hungry like this. Where was he when she needed him?

"Dumdum Buu..." While she was very impatient, wanting her hunger to be solved with a quick fix like existence-divorcing a world, she couldn't ignore how nice this energy felt. It was like discovering the sweetness of a smoothie after living on a diet of only tasteless water. It 'tasted' a million times better than what she was used to.

"Chu will wait..." If the energy here tasted so good, she could wait instead of taking the fast route. Quality takes priority to her, even if that takes time. She wasn't like Buu with the patience of a baby. Of the twins, she was always the more patient of them. When Buu wanted a fight or wanted candy, there was no waiting.

Not that she minded a good fight. The energy released during fights was good too. Like candy. Really, really tiny pieces of slightly sweet candy.

"Buu..." Candy just reminded her that Buu was not here. Her mood flatlined.

For now, there was nothing to do but sleep. So sleep she did. For a long, long time she slept. As she gathered energy slowly, the walls of the place she was trapped in began to crack. After who knows how long it gave way, and the 'dark' place she was in broke.

"Ugh...?" Light. It was bright, and Chu was not a morning person. But with that light came a breeze, and as her eyes adjusted she realized it wasn't as bright as she thought. It was just that dark where she was before.

Rocks. There were rocks everywhere. There was no exit; she was surrounded by dirt and stone. She didn't like being in tight spaces. So, she charged up a small, green ki blast, and blew a large hole in the wall.

Majin Chu [Majin OC - DBZ Canon Divergent]Where stories live. Discover now