Chapter 11: Fuck The World (pt. 1)

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(Tw: mention of death, alcohol, pills, and minors smoking weed.)


"Mom?" Travis looked around the white perfect house. "Moooom? Where are you?" Travis looked around and saw his mom sleeping on the couch. "Oh mom! There you are!" He said excitedly. He rushed over to the couch where his mom was at. He shook her trying to wake up. There was an empty bottle of vodka in her hands as usual. "Mom! Let me tell you about my day!" The young boy said as he shook his mom awake. Yet she still didn't wake up. "Mo- aaahhh!" Before he knew it he slipped on the floor and was falling through time itself. He saw him cooking, cleaning, feeding his sister and many more.

Travis gasped as he woke up from his nightmare. He didn't know why, but lately he has been getting more nightmares of his late mother. He took the ice cold glass off of his nightstand and took a drink. He took his phone off the nightstand as well and '2:37' shined as he turned it on. He turned it off and layed back down.

He wasn't going to sleep because of his nightmare, but he couldn't help thinking about everything. He thought about how after he realized his mother had passed he had gotten hallucinations to deal with the trauma. Thankfully he had gotten into therapy, so he doesn't have them anymore. He was ten when he found his mother. It was about four months before he and his sister had gotten tooken away from their biological father. She had died from an accidental overdose on pills and vodka. He sighed. He missed his old mother before she had gotten into alcohol because of the man named Kenneth. He didn't remember her a whole lot, but he remembered how soft she was.

He decided to just ignore the pain that filled his heart and go back to sleep.

Ir was now the morning and he rubbed his eyes. Thoughts of John filled his mind. He sighed. It had been a week sinse they broke up and he still wasn't over him. Everyone had been noticing he had been upset and checking up on them, but he didn't say anything other then he was "fine". He was pretty sure Sal knew what happend because he hadn't asked about it and Travis was glad that he didn't. Sal was comforting and told him if he had ever needed to talk he was there. Travis decided to get up and change into a black shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He yawned and went into his sock drawer and pulled out a bag of blunts he had gotten from Donomic and a lighter. He sat on his bed and pulled one out and lit it. He let the smokiness into his mouth and before he knew it, it was gone. He was happily stoned trying to forget his heartache. He decided to switch on the T.V and watched what was on. It was about seven in the morning and he didn't go out to the living room until about ten, so he decided to just enjoy his little high.


Lately Donomic has been worried for his best friend. Travis had been a lot quieter and smoking more then before. He had asked, but Travis just told him that he is good. Even though Travis reassured him Donomic saw right through it. Then with the whole smoking things he was worried because he was almost using it as a get-away instead of just for fun like before. Call Donomic crazy, but he knew it was true. He sighed as he was thinking of his friend. He wanted to help Travis, but if Travis wouldn't tell him then he couldn't help.

It was early in the morning and Donomic had just finished his breakfast. He decided to hang out with Travis and today and hopefully cheer him up. As Donomic walked back to his room he dialed Travis' number.

"Hey, what's up Dom?" Travis asked as he answered the phone.

"I was just curious if you wanna hang out today." Donomic asked picking at his black nail polish that Sal painted nervously.

"Uuuum, yeah sure. What time?" Travis answered.

"How about one?" Donomic asked.

"Alright, sounds good. I will be at your house at one." Travis answered then hung up. "Yes!" Donomic wispered excited to hang out with his bestfriend.

It was a few minutes after one o'clock and Donomic was on his phone waiting for Travis.

There was a few knocks on the door and Donomic figured that it was Travis and got up. He opened the door and there he was. Travis was standing there. It looked like there was something on his mind.

"Hey, Travis! C'mon in!" Donomic said as he let Travis in.

The two boys where sitting on Do omits bed while watching some show. The two boys were stoned and enjoying themselves together.

All of the sudden Donomic turned off the T.V and Travis looked over at him. "Why did you do that?" Travis asked. "I wanted to talk to you." Donomic said. "What do you wanna talk about?" Travis asked. "Tell me what's wrong." Donomic stated. "Nothing-" Travis got cut off by Donomic. "Don't tell me nothing. If you don't tell me what is wrong I can't help you." Donomic said and Travis sighed. "Fine, the truth is I broke up with my boyfriend. I feel weird about it though because it hurts, but not as much as I expected. I almost feel bad about it." Travis tried explaining himself. "So, you feel guilty because you don't feel how you used to for John?" Donomic said and Travis nodded. "Well, there is no reason for you to feel guilty. Just because you don't feel the same you used to doesn't mean it's your fault." Donomic explained making Travis feel better. Travis slightly smiled. "Thanks Donomic I appreciate it." Travis said understanding it.

Donomic smiled. "Now, tell me whats going on with Sal." Donomic said with a smirk. Travis gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?" Travis asked oblivious to his own feelings. "Well the way you two act and look at eachother there has to be something going on." Donomic explained. Travis laughed. "No, there's nothing going on!" Travis said smiling. Donomic deadpanned. "Your joking right?" He asked seriously. Travis shook his head. "Oh. My. God. You don't even know your own feelings! You clearly like him. Hey! Even when your not talking about him your probably thinking about him." Donomic said shocked. Travis thought for a moment. Yes he thought about Sal a lot, but that doesn't mean he likes him! Maybe he has thought about Sal even more after he broke up with John, but that doesn't mean he likes him, right?


Hey guys! Thank you guys for being patient with me! Art block has been kicking my ass. Also for some reason wattpad wouldn't let me write for a week! Or else it would have been out sooner. Hope you all have an amazing day/night!

-Bri <3

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