Chapter 8: Haunted Date

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(This is for fun and has no plot whatsoever :>)


Sal walked up to the nice house and knocked on the door. A sweet older lady opened the door. She had ginger hair up in a bun and she was in casual clothes. She looked like she could've easily fit into any "normal" group. The only thing that took him by suprise was that she was wearing a Korn shirt. She smiled "You must be Sal! Come in, I will get him for you." She led him to the couch and he looked at their beautiful house. There was another lady with dark hair and she had a wedding ring on. She was also wearing casual clothes. She was wearing ripped jeans. He swore that he recognized the two he just couldn't put his finger on who they were.

The dark haired woman walked over and said "Hello I am Diane, Londra is my wife." She was sweet. "Hello, I am Sal. It is nice to meet you and your wife." She giggled. "I have heard about you. You don't have to be so formal around us." Diane said sweetly. Then Londra walked out with Travis right by her side. "Hey Sal!" Travis said with a bright smile making Diane giggle. "Alright boys! We are gonna be making lunch for you two. You guys can go into your room we just wanted to meet Sal." Londra said before the two women went to the kitchen to cook.

"Alright! What do you wanna do?" Travis asked while shutting the door. "I was thinking we go ghost hunting." Sal said sitting on his bed with a smirk under his prosthetic. You could pretty much see Travis' face light up. "Really?" He asked and Sal nodded. "Yes!" Travis said excitedly. "I have some stuff I wanna bring." Travis said before pulling out a box in his closet. He dug through it. "What'cha looking for?" Sal asked. "I am looking for my Alice box." Travis said. Sal was confused. "What?" Sal asked needing clarification. "An Alice box is a box where you can communicate with spirits." Travis said before pulling out his phone and calling someone.

"Heyyyy gay asshole! What's up?" A girls voice rang out.

"Heyy lesbian slut! I was just curious if you have the Alice box." Travis said and Sal snickered in the back.

"You should have it. I remember giving it to you. Why are you asking me this?" She said.

"I am going ghost hunting." Travis said and she laughed.

"Are you going alone? Because last time you thought it was a great idea to go alone you got scared and forgot to say goodbye. Then we found out something was following you." Beth said and Sal noticed Travis blush. Sal thought it was cute.

"Shut up! But no I am going with my friend Sal." Travis said.

"Ok good. Is that all?" Beth asked. "Yeah, I will talk to you later." Travis said and hung up.

He took out another box and dug through it. He found the Alice box and brought it out it was a black box with a speaker. "Alright, I got it! We will eat and then go, 'kay?" Travis asked and looked at Sal with a soft look that made Sal's heart beat faster. "Ok, sounds good to me!" Sal said.

Sal had gone ghost hunting with Larry before. Sal definitely enjoyed going ghost hunting, he was terrified though. Not only terrified of the place that they were going, but also this is Travis and Sal's first time going together.

"Alright, looks like we are here." Travis said getting a flashlight out of his pocket and holding the Alice box.

The whole day was going to be overcast so standing outside was terrifying. There were a lot of gray clouds and it felt as if it was nighttime. The house itself looked like a normal haunted house it was a gray color and it was huge. There were cats around the old dead garden. It was a very creepy mansion.

"You ready?" Sal asked and Travis nodded. The two teens both walked in holding flashlights and they flashed them around. Taking in their surroundings. "Ok, so let's go in that room." Travis wispered pointing towards a dark room across a hallway. They went into the room and it looked like it was a bedroom. It had all the furniture for a bedroom except for the bed. The floor board were old and they would creak as they would step on them. Travis set the Alice box on the ground and turned it on. "Hello, if there are any ghosts in this house we want to say we are here with respect and would like to talk to you." Travis said as they sat down. Sal was shocked about how calm Travis was. It was almost as if Travis knew exactly what he was doing.

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