chapter twelve

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KENNEDY placed a soda in front of angela and sat down next to her.

"so, we meet again with the question, 'what do we do?'" kennedy joked.

angela sighed. "yep."

kennedy chewed on the inside of her mouth as she watched angela try to sort her thoughts.

"you don't have to say anything, angela." kennedy assured her. "you don't owe anyone anything."

"i can't let this go away without saying something." angela said. "i can't let people see this and think it's okay to out people like that."

"i get it." kennedy nodded. "everyone deserves to come out on their own terms." angela nodded, taking a sip from the can in front of her.

"i got sprite this morning just for you." kennedy grinned. "it's still your favorite, right?"

angela smiled. "yeah, i can't believe you remembered that."

"how could i forget?" kennedy laughed. "you used to beg me to stock my apartment up in college for when you would come over."

"i would not beg!" angela grinned.

"oh really? then what do you call asking me a thousand times every week?" kennedy chuckled.

"requesting." angela smirked.

they both got quiet, taking a moment to think about their college days. kennedy looked over at angela, curiousity getting the best of her. "can i ask you a question?"

"yeah." angela said, looking up at kennedy.

"you don't have to answer, but, were you planning on coming out before all this?" kennedy asked.

"i thought about it." angela said. "but, it's hard when-" she stammered, trying to find the right way to voice her feelings.

"never mind, it's stupid." angela awkwardly laughed.

"angela, i promise it's not stupid." kennedy smiled.

"it's just that, i'm not really sure what to say when i come out because i'm not sure what i am." angela explained. "i don't feel like labeling myself."

kennedy nodded. "that's completely valid. you don't need to explain yourself to anyone if you don't want to."

"i think we should say something." angela said. "just confirm we were together but we ended things a long time ago." angela said.

"only if you're comfortable." kennedy said.

angela smiled. "i promise, i want to do this, kennedy."

"okay, then let's do this."

kennymatthews and angelagiovanagiarratana made a new post!

kennymatthews and angelagiovanagiarratana made a new post!

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liked by co_mill and 73,288 others

kennymatthews and angelagiovanagiarratana if you've paid attention to the smosh community recently, then you know that there has been a lot of discussion about our personal lives. we wanted to confirm that we dated in 2013-2014. it's been a long time since then, we've both grown a lot since college, and we've had the opportunity to get to know each other as friends again.

please understand that we do not support spreading personal facts about others, public figures or not, without their consent. being outed on someone elses terms should not happen to anybody. we have decided to share this with you to take back what we should have been able to do ourselves.

this is the last time we'll talk about this for the most part, just so we can leave the past in the past.

thank you to everyone who tried to stop our private information from being spread and a huge thank you to the smosh team for dealing with a crazy week filtering out the words dating and gay.

much love,
ken and ang 💛

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co_mill i love you both so much 😘

filmingamanda ❤️

phatchanse yall were babies omg 😭🤍

spennser i'll fight anyone who bothers you again 🤷‍♂️

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abi speaks!
the cat is out of the bag officially this time... why do i feel like they'll be posting a picture like that again in the future...

but what do i know, i'm just the author 😁

anyways, back to some fun stuff

right where you left me | angela giarratanaWhere stories live. Discover now