6. Clerivan's curiosity

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Cale, Tia, and Gallahan had visited the main library of Lombardy this particular afternoon. It has always been his intention to bring his children here after learning their interest in books. They had been visiting the library a few time since coming here. He saw the twins browsing through different books searching for the  one interesting to them with excitement. Today was Wednesday, he had to attend the family meeting. He chuckled at their joy before leaving for the meeting bidding them goodbye.

Cale, who knew his father was going for a meeting was actually searching for a particular book. He had read in the novel about Tia's interest in this one after her regression and had been curios as well. He smiled happily after finally finding it. The tittle 'People of the south' on dark green cover was clearly visible on the row of a shelf. He happily skipped to it and tried to reach only to be too short. With one hand outstretched he noticed his position and blushed with a pout. Bringing his hand down, he signed before looking around. Just as he was trying to think of solution.


Abruptly turning around he saw Clerivan standing at the end of the shelf trying hard to suppress his laughter. Cale scowled (pouted) with pink tinted ears. 'Aren't you supposed to be some serious scholar who doesn't bother with jokes.' Noticing Cale's adorable reaction Clerivan quickly composed himself and said with a serious but slightly jovial tone.

"Good afternoon young master. I can help you get the book you need if you tell me the tittle." He said with a flat face but his twinkling eyes and twitching lips made Cale want to hide. He suppressed his embarrassment and answer instead.

"Gwood Aphternwoon unclew. Pwease help me."Seeing Cale answer despite the blush and pout on his face made Clerivan's gaze more gentle. He was amused and happy that this child was being honest despite his embarrassment. Unlike many noble children he did not lash out act arrogant. He knew this would be the case from their previous meeting in the garden but watching it was still fascinating. He started walking towards Cale at a steady pace and looked at the shelf.

"Which book should I acquire for you."

"Pweople of the Sowth."

Clerivan froze before looking at Cale.

"Excuse me."

"Pweople of the Sowth. Itsh witten by Ropilli." Cale kindly explained again. Of course he did not want people to know of their intelligence to ahead but since he already acknowledged Clerivan the other day his plan changed. If he was going to work together anyways, why not start early? 

Clerivan was in a daze but look at the child's serious eyes, his eyes clouded over. While mentioning the author's name Cale had a gaze of conviction. He knew exactly what he looking for. Seeing Cale's steady and calm gaze on him forced him to move. He wordlessly picked up the book and handed it to Cale. 

"Thwank you." Cale did a small bow and started walking towards the desks. Clerivan despite his instincts screaming at him wanted to tell Cale about the books content thinking he misunderstood it as a children's book. He slowly followed Cale and hurriedly began to explain.

"People of the South is a documentary of a Tribe living in Southern part of the kingdom. Ropilli talks about his experiences and research he conducted  during..." But he was cut off.


"Sorry?" Cale stopped walking and turned to face Clerivan who stopped with him. He held up the book which Clerivan grabbed not understanding why Cale stopped.

"Ropilli ish a fwemale Scwolar."

'She' Clerivan recalled what Cale had said a moment ago and hurriedly opened the book. After browsing for a while he indeed found out that Ropilli was a female scholar. Looking back down he saw Cale already starting to walk again. He closed the book and followed him, this time without interruption.

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