5. Florentia

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Tia was studying the books her brother recommended with seriousness not fitting a child. Once she was nearly half way through she decided to look out the window to rest her eyes. After being reborn she got the loving family she always dreamt off. She remembered her gentle father who always takes care of her. She remembers her mother who would play with her and help her cause mischief for her father and brother. How she misses her mother and all the trouble they use to cause. Then she remembered her brother. Her kind and gentle brother who is calm like a lake but has the gentleness of her father. How he shines brightly like her mother. Sometimes she wonders how old he truly must be. It was obvious to her that her oppa was similar to her but he had a very charming maturity to him. His gentle gestures as he would console her, teach her, or pamper her were that of someone who has lived a long life. She had  little control over her body and natural instinct but her brother seemed to be like a firm tree that had seen many things. She sometimes wondered if he had children before. From the way he takes care of her it seemed he was more experienced than their parents. That thought made smile, she knew Cale took care of her like child more than a sister.

'But sometimes he has that look in his eyes. When he is sitting calming staring into space has if lost in memories. Like remembering his loved ones with a small smile on his face, as if he is reliving those times again.' That thought made her smile disappear. There were many times in past she wanted to ask Cale about their transmigration but once she saw him like that she realised how old he truly was. She realised how despite being in similar situations he was someone much mature and has lived along life. His calm gaze that never seem to change no matter what the situation. It worried her to imagine what kind of life he must have lead but she knew his love for her, her parents, and how his heart bleeds kindness. How when he looks at her as if he knows everything going through her head, her worries, her pain, and her happiness. 

She closed her eyes, she had long decided not to ever bring up their past unless necessary because she was afraid it might hurt him. 'Or it might hurt me', she thought in self-deprecation. When watching him space out she had the urge to ask, 'Are you happy?' Was he happy to be here, to be her brother, and with their new family. But the way he smiles at her was all the answer she needed. The way he would look at her with so much care and love made all her worries vanish. She knew there was something her brother always seem to be planning, the first time she had thought was the day she decided to help him with whatever he needs. She looked around the room and noticed her brother's absence. Standing up and walking to her father she enquired.

"Papa whwere id Oppa?" She asked tilting her head. Gallahan looked down at her and immediately gushed squeezing her into a hug. Tia, already used to her father's antics just waited smiling and hugging him back.

"He went to the forest to paint. Oh dear, it's getting quite late. Will you go bring him Tia?" Gallahan said with a worried voice as he looked out the window. Tia nodded her head with a "Yesh" and went running to find her brother. As she neared the forest area, she noticed her Brother and grandfather walking back hand-in-hand. 'So cute!' she exclaims running upto them.

"Oppa!" as she reached them she looked at her grandfather and greeted him with the same energy. After their short conversation both twins were walking back to their living area holding hands. Tia thought back to her encounter and mused.

'Oh, my smart Oppa! You already have Grandpa gushing over you.' she knew about the Lombardy family from the book she read from her last life. Their mother never got the family name so there was bound to be some discrimination but my brother directly gained the favour of the family head. He sure knows what he is doing. She was brought out of her thoughts when Cale spoke to her.

"Tia letsh plawy in the fowest tomowrrow and gow to walk wid Grandpa. I mwade a promise.' Cale explained with a sign. 

"Oppa dwont want two gow." Tia laughed knowing how lazy Cale can be sometimes.

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