Chapter XIV

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Chapter XIV - Unexpected Guest

Y/n pov

My eyes widened when I realized who just walked In. Dazai? What is he doing here?

"...Dazai?" I spoke up, with shock visible in my tone.

"Hello, Y/N, how have you been?" Dazai asked coming my way. He stopped in front of my bed and glanced down at me with a soft smile.

"G-good, I guess" I replied still trying to process what was just happening.

"I'm glad then" He smiled.

"Dazai... Are you allowed to be here?" I whispered to him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I talked this out with Fyodor, so yes, I am" He said as he sat on the chair by my bed. I sighed softly.

"I feel you're getting attached to the decay-"

"What? No-" I cut him off, but then remaint silent, really that he actually might be right.

Dazai watched my troubled face and sighed. "Y/n" He said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Even if you might think that Fyodor understands you, he doesn't really know you" Dazai started. "He doesn't know that you can get easily attached" He continued. "You trust Fyodor, even if you work for the agency, you trust that he won't hurt you, but tell me, how can you know? You don't know him, he doesn't know you, you're just paying him back for something he had done for you just so he could use you in the future"

My mouth slightly opened as I gave in Dazai's words. I felt my body tensing as I've listened and processed everything he was saying. He was right. I am a fool who let myself getting used and think that Fyodor isn't so bad.

"Y/n, I know it might be hard but-"

"No, you're right" I said cutting off Dazai once again making him raise his eyebrows, surprised at my words.

"I don't know what's wrong with me... They are a bad organization and for some reason I wanted to have their recognition, God, what am I even doing?" I sighed leaning my forehead know my palm.

"Don't worry Y/N, you won't have to see them again" Dazai spoke up, making me raise my head in confusion.

"You've cleared your mission, you are free now" The male stood up.
"We're leaving Y/N, I'll give you 5 minutes to get ready!" He started to make his way out of the room.

You sat there surprised with what was happening, but as Dazai words hit you, you immediatly get up and started to pack yourself up as fast as you could, also not too harshly, due to the wound.

Am I doing the right thing?

Is the Decay of Angels really using me?

Or is there another reason?

A lot of questions were occupying my mind. I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing. Part of me wanted to go, I didn't want to let down the agency, but the other part not, I wasn't sure if I should be just leaving without speaking to Fyodor. We had a contract afterall, but is it still valid?

I sighed and picked up a bag full of my things and exit the room. I could hear Dazai speaking to someone, although I didn't see him since he was around the corner. I walked up closer and leaned out my head to see the person who was speaking to Dazai.

It was Fyodor.

I gasped quickly covering my mouth and leaning back to not be caught. I swear if they're gonna make me choose, I don't know what I'm gonna do...

I backed away, taking few steps back until I bumped to something

or more like someone

I quickly turned around to see someone I didn't expect.

"Nikola-" I whispered but was quickly cut off.

"Hiya Y/n-chan! What are you-" Before he could finish, I immediatly jumped into him covering his mouth.

"You're too loud Nikolai!" I quietly exclaimed.

"Ooh!" He whispered. I could feel his breath on my palm and pulled my hand away.

"I guess you're hiding from Dos-kun and Dazai-kun, hm?" He lowered himself to my height, leaning his hands on his kness, whispering to me.

"T-that's not important... What are you doing here?" I changed the topic, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Easy answer~ I came for you!" He straightened himself and grinned with closed eyes.

I blinked twicely, confused. Wait, does that mean-?

"Your job hasn't ended yet" He said and grabbed my wrist pulling me closer to him and within a second, we dissapeared.


3rd pov

When Dazai left Y/n's room, he knew that someone would be awaiting him.

"Fyodor" He smiled with an annoyance as he saw the male coming out from the shadow nearby.

"I expected you to come eventually" Fyodor smiled annoyed aswell.

"Y/n's mission has ended right? Shouldn't she be free now? But since you're here, knowing I'd appear I suppose I'm wrong..." Dazai spoke up.

"Yes, she's still needed"

"For you to use her?" The brunette glared at Fyodor to which he chuckled.

"Why such assumptions?" The purple eyed tilted his head.

Dazai sighed and smiled. "She thinks you're using her, she agreeded to leave"

"That's what you told her?" Fyodor sighed. "You're a real trouble, Dazai" He added crossing his arms.

"Well, everything seems to be that way, I've just shared my opinion on what I see and hear" Dazai stated, shrugging.

"It's my business, Dazai"

"She's my partner, her life and her safety is also my business expecially when she's with you" Dazai said to which Fyodor chuckled.

"I mean no harm to Y/n" Fyodor turned around and began to walk away.
"It's her life so it's her choices" He quickly added and soon dissapeared from Dazai's view.

The brunette turned around and came to check up on Y/n, but she wasn't there.

"I see Y/n's already has been taken away" He thought and sighed.

"I'm having a bad feeling about the future"


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