Chapter XIII

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Chapter XIII - Injury

Y/N pov

My eyes widened as I looked down and saw blood coming out of my stomach massivly. I started feeling dizzy. I need to stop the bleeding. I pulled out a bandage that was on my head from the accident before I was taken by Nikolai, and tied it around my waist. I furrowed my eyebrows annoyed at the man in front of me, who was smiling like a maniac.

"Oh dear Y/N, you really thought I didn't expect you? I knew that Fyodor will sent someone soon anyway, although I didn't expect a member of the agency to appear" He said playing with the knife, he stabbed me with.

The pain from the stab was a real inconvenience. I couldn't move too much, because it could bleed out even more and the bandage would be no use anymore.

I didn't want to fail my only mission. They all probably knew that this guy was smart and dangerous, why didn't they warn me? Are they checking me? Or maybe I am really dumb for thinking it would be easy?

But I am not that dumb to come fully unprepared for such situations.

"Seems like you got me... I failed my mission" I said with a smile. He frowned not expecting that answer.

"Already giving up?" He chuckledm

I collapsed on the floor on my back. The man frowned and kneeled next to me, putting the knife down on the ground. He reached out his hand to check my pulse, that's when I yanked his arm and twisted it badly. He screamed in pain, not expecting such outcome. I pushed him on the ground, holding him still so he wouldn't move.

"You really are a bitch" He whispered. I ignored his comment and reached out for the knife that was laying on the floor with my blood all around it, and stabbed him right in the back.

After a while, he stopped moving. He's unconscious. I wrapped his wound with a cloth that I found nearby and put a tape at his mouth, and tied him into a chair. He won't die, but when he'll wake up, he'll experience so much pain and he won't be able to do anything about it.

I walked up to the desk where the envelope layed. When I opened it, I found the money that was needed. I smiled softly and put it into my pocket, and quickly left the scene. I put a hood and a mask on my face so I won't be recognized. When I was making my way to the car that was already waiting for me, I started to get dizzy again. Shit... the wound, I forgot about it.

Before I could do anything, I once again collapsed on the floor, but realistically.


Am I dying?

I don't know what's happening.

I don't feel good.

I hear someone talking

Where am I?

I need to wake up.


I opened my eyes slowly to see an unfamiliar ceiling.

"She's opening her eyes..." Someone said.
I didn't know what was happening, where am I?

"Y/n" I heard someone calling my name. Who is it? I could hear the person coming my way. I moved my head to the side, trying to acknowledge the person with my half closed eyes. As they were getting closer, my vision started to get better and then, I realized, it was Fyodor. He sat on the chair next to my bed and reached out his hand to touch my forehead, hesitantly. His hand was really cold, I almost flinched when I felt it on my skin.

"She has a fever" Fyodor said turning his head to the person standing by the door, probably to the doctor.

"Alright, I'll go get the medicines" Then the doctor walked away.

Fyodor's cold hands didn't mind me anymore. His touch has become calming to me. He started lightly caressing my skin and my hair, which I found comfortable and pleasant.

"You did well, Y/N. I'm proud of you" He said calmly.

"The man is getting his punishment now, thanks to your help" He smiled.

Then I recalled what happened before I got here. The wound...

"How long was I unconscious?" I asked looking into his purple eyes.

"For a week. A lot of people visited you, even Dazai" He stated.

Wait, Dazai?

"Dazai?" You asked in surprise.

"Yes, I told him that you were injuried" Fyodor said.

"Why did you tell him?"

"Before he would suspect it was me"

"I see..." You murmured and looked at your hands, then Fyodor stopped caressing you.

"I should let Sigma know you're awake" He reached out for his phone and rang Sigma. He stood up and walked away, leaving the room. Seconds later the doctor came with the medicines.


One hour later

I was reading a book while sitting on my bed. I was informed by Sigma that I was taken to an underground doctor that worked under the Decay of Angels. I was no longer in the casino. The doctor, who's name was Mirato, lended me book to have an interest during my stay with him. Mirato often came to me and chatted, since I'm most of the time by myself. Everyone from DOA was mostly Busy, so they visited me 3 times a week. Expect for Nikolai. He visits me every day in the morning and stays mostly to the afternoon. Having him as a companion during the day is really nice. Nikolai is a very energetic person, not a boring one.

"Hey Y/N..." I heard the door open.

"Oh, hi Mirato" I smiled closing the book when I saw the male entering the room I stayed in.

"You have a guest" When Mirato said that sentence, another person came in. I thought it would be Nikolai since he comes very often, but I was wrong.

My eyes widened as I saw a figure I haven't seen in a while.



Hey yall‼️
I decided to post an one chapter weekly, regularly. So expect every chapter to come on mostly Friday
Hope you are enjoying so far🩷

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