CHP 19

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(sorry for late posting, but here the further story)

Author's pov

Soobin took the letter from you. His eyes were stuck on your smiling face and an uncontrollable smile carved on his lips too.

I think i should be leaving now. He spoke while raising his brow. You nodded with a wide smile. Yup! Go n come back soon! You said.

You both were in the garden when you heard your father calling you both from behind.

Dear soobin, i was waiting for you inside. But i guess you both are busy here. King Min looked at both of you with lighted face. Ummm... Actually you tried to say something. Soobin instantly hid the envelope in his coat's pocket before your father could notice it.

Don't need to be hesitant my daughter. It's good if you n my son in law are spending time in understanding eachother. He said and patted on your head.

Uncle, i guess i have to leave now. Soobin asked looking at both of you. Why dear? Aren't you having good time here? King min asked.

I have some task to do before it'll get too late. Soobin said. Ok then we can't force you to stay here for more time but I'll appreciate if you'll visit here again. King said to him. Soobin bowed to him .

He turned back to leave and you followed him. He heard your foot steps and faced you. Confusingly he looked at you. I didn't say you good bye. You spoke playing with your dress.

He chuckled looking away. Ohh how sweet! He said. Do inform me after coming back! You said him.

He stayed silent seeing your excitement and looked down. Silently, he jumped over his horse and pulled it's bridle to go.

You look adorable while smiling. He complimented you before going.

His sudden compliment made you silent too. In this silence you forgot to say him bye and he left with in a second.
After sometime, soobin reached at the palace of Jungkook. He was lil terrified bcoz against rules of both the kingdoms, he was here.

Outside the castle he was thinking how to enter inside. He knew well about the chaos that might happen if he'll commit any single mistake.

Who's standing there? Namjoon asked while riding his horse. Don't know. But why he is waiting there? Prince Jungkook spoke while stopping his horse.

Suddenly Jungkook saw soobin clearly from back. Holy shit! Is he really soobin!???? Jungkook was extremely shocked as he run his horse fastly towards soobin.

Soobin? Who? Namjoon mumbled while following Jungkook.

Sir? Jungkook spoke to get soobin's attention. Soobin turned to his side. Jungkook was still in shock to see soobin here. I guess I'm dreaming? Are you really park soobin? He asked not believing his eyes.

Soobin nodded with lil smile. Bro! Jungkook hugged him. Why are you standing here? Come with me! Jungkook said while hugging him.

Soobin got confused yet honoured by Jungkook's warm welcome.

I was wai- soobin was about to say but Jungkook cut him off. Let's go inside first! You are VIP here! Jungkook said and happily took him inside his big castle.

Prince Jungkook...i hope it won't create any problem if I'll come with you. You know na that it's prohibited for the people of kingdom min and kingdom Jeon to cross the borders.
Soobin asked Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled while looking down. He looked up to see soobin and spoke, You have come from the place where  my heart lives ...Now it is my duty to sacrifice my life to protect you. Jungkook spoke leaving soobin totally dumb founded.

Oh God! Love literally has power to take every power from a prince too!

Soobin thought in his mind after seeing Jungkook's reaction.

Jungkook went to his room with soobin.
I know it's not quite ethical to bring guest directly into bed room but I just want to make you don't feel unsafe or uncomfortable here. Jungkook spoke.

Both of them sat on the couch placed in Jungkook's room balcony. I'm still thinking how you recognised me from far away even we have met just for once. Soobin asked him.

Jungkook leaned back on the couch and took a deep breath.

4 hours 40 mins and 38 seconds! Isn't it enough time to memorize anyone? Jungkook asked him.

Literally more than enough! Soobin replied.

Exactly! Jungkook chuckled. Some people can even take just a second to leave their impact on your mind and heart and this impact last till your last breath.

As soobin heard this , you popped into his mind. I really wish that the girl who didn't fail to leave her impact in your life will become a permanent part of your life. Soobin said and Jungkook chuckled looking deep into soobin's eye.

I'm glad to see you but can i ask what brings you here ? Jungkook asked him politely.

Soobin took out the envelope from his pocket and placed it on table.

This letter?! Jungkook asked instantly with widely opened eyes .

From princess y/n..... Soobin said and took a break to take a deep breath To her best friend.

And she told that her friend lives here? Jungkook asked in confusion. Soobin nodded.

Actually I'm going late ..i came here without informing anyone. Soobin said while standing up. Don't worry I'll handle the situation but don't leave in between conversation. Jungkook pleaded him while standing too.

I'm not going in between conversation Prince...the actual conversation will start after I'll leave. Soobin said with a smile and left the room.

Jungkook was standing there all dumd founded. As soon as he came out of his world he ran out of his room and saw that soobin was already downstairs.

Drop my honoured guest near the border and keep it in mind , respect him as you'll respect me. Jungkook said to the guard who was standing down in the hall. He nodded and followed soobin.


He said that the letter is for y/n's friend then why did he left it here? But as far as i know y/n don't have any friend except Eva. Should i read this letter?

I opened the envelope and the first thing where my eyes landed was my name on it.

My dear love Prince Jungkook!

I blinked my eyes not believing what i just saw. Was this letter for me? If it was for me then how did soobin knew about this? Has he done this on purpose?

Oh gosh there are too many questions in my mind right now. I said and fell on the bed. Taking the letter in my hand i touched it with my lips.

And my y/n! You are the one who can bring my mind to ease. I mumbled and started to read the letter. be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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