Assassins and Slaves - Twenty

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Nora's words chill me to the core. They're faster, stronger than what they're used to, and we won't be able to hear them coming. Even vampires who are trained well still have a heartbeat, something that would give them away if you're listening carefully enough.
I need to step up my training. Whatever is to come, I have to be ready. I have to become stronger.

Nora seems troubled enough by what she says. She paces back and forth across the room, still in front of Glen's unmoving body. Her eyes travel to the vines ever so often, but she doesn't voice her thoughts on the matter. I can sense her unease just being here.

I want to ask why everyone acts this way towards her; but I feel that right now would be the wrong time. Certainly there is something off about Azora, sharpened teeth and all - but she seems to be trying to help.
Azora doesn't look at Nora, only me. "Werewolves aren't supposed to be able to turn at all. This isn't right." I say, less as a statement to them and more me thinking out loud. I've never heard of a werewolf turning into a vampire before. The Moon protects us from that perversion after death. At least she did.

The vampires of old were created by witches of the night, meant to be assassins and slaves. They have since lost control over them.

"If Kriv came back.. then the others might too." I say. Nora turns her head to us as if finally acknowledging Azora's presence. "With how unpredictable this is, we should at least consider the possibility." I add. Nora's face twists into a frown.

Down the hall I can hear the door click open. Nora shifts to face the doorway, her head tilting barely to the side - listening. Every muscle on her body is taught beneath her custom leathers. They're works of art from a master's hand, like the carvings of RedFawn's crest into the pack house. I want to ask her what they mean; later that is.

It clicks closed again, and Payne's voice follows. "Thea?" His voice calms my body and mind. His scent even more as it wafts into the room, and I find myself watching the edge of the threshold waiting for him to step around it. Once again, he searched me out. Came right to me.

Nora seems to relax, too.

"We're in here." I say. His footsteps are heavy as he makes his way down the hall. He takes up all of the space in the doorway with the size of his body. I always forget what a magnificent sight he is, muscled and black haired. I don't even feel the urge to gag at the blood on him this time.

I hate that I may be getting used to it.

The wound on his abdomen has began knitting itself together, the broken flesh slowly joining back to look normal again. I let my hand trace his chest, touching everywhere but his injury. I will wait until we are alone to ask if he's okay.

"Everyone is alright?" His eyes linger on Glen, who is covered in Azora's growth. Then he looks between the two females who still refuse to catch each other's gaze. They must really not get along, if their argument from earlier is any indication.

"Ready to bleed," Nora bows her head, then stands back at attention, chin high as she faces Payne. He nods in her direction. This pleases him; I wonder who hopes the next Delta will be. Nora, or one of the other wolves that Kassidy mentioned.

"Glen will live. But it's likely she is going to turn. She wasn't breathing when we got her here." Through all of that, her hot blood soaking my hands, trying to make sure I didn't let her slip out of my grasp.. I didn't even notice that she had quit breathing. I didn't even want to think of it as a possibility.
I can't help but stare at where she lays. What will life be like for a werewolf who turns? What will life be for her in the pack?

"Does she have family here?" I ask. I knew her from Deadpaw, but I didn't even know her name until today. It's not likely anyone came here with her. Which means she will wake up alone, no mate or family to comfort her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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