Confirmation - Ten

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Kassidy looks at least a little surprised at her own punch, blood trickling from my nose, down to my lips. I feel some kind of fire I've never felt before, my pulse rushing in my ears, eyes narrowing on her. Despite the grin on my face, Kassidy's false bravado has faded fast.

"I'm sorry, Nora told me I should never wait for someone else to attack first." She's hardly finished her words as I rush at her, bringing my elbow to smack underneath her chin. It feels sloppy, but connects, and she's lifted a little before falling back against the mats.

"Don't be sorry, be better." I taunt.

She rolls over, up in a second. Her expression mirrors mine, her shifting blue eyes coming to life with a fire similar to the one blazing in me. This feels good. Natural.

She rotates the bottom of her jaw, and I notice I've split her skin where I connected. My blood drips from my nose, hers down off the apex of her chin. She moves to start circling me, and I move the opposite direction, keeping the distance between us. Neither of us dare break our eyes off the other one, waiting for someone to act first.

Kassidy does, angling a blow for the left side of my face, which I raise my hand up to block - only for her to stagger the other way and jab her other fist in my stomach. I gasp in a breath, backing up, forcing some space between us.

This time I move first, bringing another elbow into her sternum with as much force as I can. Before she has a moment to react, I swipe my foot behind hers. She hits the mats with a thud that sounds throughout the whole building.

I'm prepared to descend on her, and she once again rolls, coming into a crouching position. I think she's going to lunge at me, when the sound of the Alpha's voice comes from behind us, causing me to still.

"Good work, Thea. But be careful not to leave yourself open to a blow while trying to land yours." I turn around to him, and Kassidy stands all the way up. I can feel her presence behind me, waiting still like she's ready to pounce.

"Kassidy, make sure you're putting your full force behind your punches. Make sure when they connect, she feels it," He must see the scowl on my face, because the Alpha gives me a cheshire grin. "I know what family you come from. I know how they fight. You can handle it."

I think of the few times I watched my mother and father train, the crushing blows that they dealt and also took. I think of the blood that would cover their bodies after sparring. Despite his words, I'm not sure that I'm able to do that.

He's already walking away, on to the next group, as I look down at my own hands. Trying to imagine them being capable of causing the destruction I know my parents can. I lower them and then turn back to Kassidy - just over her shoulder, I can see Payne and the Luna outside on the grass, many warriors have gave them room, watching from the sidelines.

Payne charges her, and then effortlessly, so effortlessly, the Luna side steps him, a blow landing to his ribs to where I hear the crack and so does everyone else. I'm the only one who gasps. I guess the no breaking bones doesn't apply where they're concerned.

Payne gathers himself quickly, much quicker than I could have. He's giving her all of his concentration, all of his focus, and I can see sweat dripping down his neck, his brow furrowed. His chest heaves like every movement is an extensive effort. Despite all of that, he looks fucking amazing. Drunken mistake, I remind myself.

"It's incredible isn't it?" I look back to Kassidy when she speaks. "Fighting is almost like another art form - something to admire. I only hope that one day I can be a powerful warrior. Nora said she's going to train me."

That grin slides back on my face at her words. "I don't know about an art form, but if she's going to be training you then I need to be ready, huh?" We turn back towards each other, and nothing needs to be said. However sloppily, we go back to sparring.

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