101: Engaged - H

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Dani honestly thought that even with her test flights and other things that Blades would actually not be so upset as he was, after all, the bot was pretty much engaged now.

Cody did ask what in he world they were because Chase and Blades technically hadn't gone through the process to become actual Companions but Blades literally proposed. Heatwave already said way before hand when the humans weren't around was to not do all of that anywhere near them since it is something deeply hard to explain.

Boulder definied it as simply a term he made up, Pre-Companions, which seemed to have some sort of satisfaction to it, meanwhile it was completely made up. Now Cody was still curious how two bots really become Companions, and did not plan to let he topic go since it was now something pretty regular to have this now.

After much trying to figure out how to word it, Chase gave such an easy sentence with a ton of meaning, but yen Cody was still traumatized regardless once he thought about it for too long. The boy no longer questined on how 'make love' works for bots and honeslty, he did not want to know anymore.

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