No please ahhh I can't use that words

Kevin : "I was very careless with my health and was not taking care of it and because was doing extra work I messed my work and was having hard time"

Sam : "1. is it okay for my ex fav cadet to be careless and not taking care of health when it was the reason because of which he had to leave everything
2. I think you know that I don't like people trained under me to be messy and clumsy and I think I have work hard enough on you and you have also been through many critical situation so calling this as hard time is pointing finger on my training I think you have forgot everything isn't it
3. Are you sure have done only this?" Raised eyebrow

Kevin : "I am really sorry sir I will never be careless about my health again no sir it wasy fault I will never give anyone chance to point finger on you sir please I am sorry" What the hell each and every word just Pierced through my skin I am felling very guilty ohh good and is their anything else I did why I can't remember ohhhh please someone help me please this ground may open and swallow me inside "sir I can't remember anything else"

Sam : "are you sure.... Okay so you have lost the privilege to speak like his go and grab 15 kg dumbbell"

I went to grab dumbbell with lighting fast speed and why 15 kg we starting with so much weights end is not good Kevin not at all good

Sam : "one hand handstand and in other hand one dumbbell"

I assumed the position ahh I am going to be dead by the end of the session

Sam: "tell me a situation when because of you I got punished "

What why the hell he wants to know that and right now

Kevin: "sir in my 3rd term I thought you were not well so I punctured your car so that you can't go to meeting and take rest but because of this you got late for your meeting and you got punished" I remember that it was amazing it was first time I saw his soft side he was very happy that I care for him I got punished but not for puncturing tyre but for going in restricted area I was so scared that I will get worst punishment of my life but nothing happened like that....I was very silly that time

Sam : "And did I punished you because you cared for me ?"

Kevin: "no sir"

Sam : "did I punished you  because, because of you I was getting punished by my seniors ?"

Kevin : "No sir"

Sam : "why?"

Kevin : "because I was genuinely caring for you and your health and as a trainner you can't take out your frustration on your juniors"

Sam : "so you know that" Raised

Shitt he is talking about shann ooh God I was extra harsh on her today during punishment and obviously being a smart girl she had noticed it I was harsh on her because of this session ohh God I have messed up so much my brain seriously need some screwing I also feel like that now I am 1000% sure that after today session I will bea better coach

Kevin : "I wa.. Was ex... Extra harsh on shanaya today because of this session" Ahh it is so hard to speak in this position and with this weight and weight of guilt is more please sir now please screw me I deserve it

Sam : "Oooo If I am not wrong you are national team coach also is this right mentality for national team coach I thing you should resign for all this"

Kevin : "No sir...sorry never happened again I promise si...sir"

Sam : "it will be better for you but I thing physical standards are also dropped now let's start start doing push up in this position  only let me go for few laps"

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