Chapter 6

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Grace Morgan's POV

The soft rustle of leaves outside the clinic windows did little to ease the tension inside. I sat next to Derek, his presence suffocating, his eyes avoiding mine like they always did when things got uncomfortable. We were here, trapped in this therapist's office, yet so far apart, it felt like we were in different worlds. Derek wasn't happy to come here, especially when he heard about Zane, our neighbor.

Zane sat opposite us; his calm demeanor is a disparity to the storm brewing within me. His presence, though comforting, only amplified the ache in my heart. His understanding and politeness were a beacon of hope in a world tainted by Derek's cruelty.

Zane's attire reflected a blend of professionalism and comfort. He wore a crisp white button-down shirt, neatly pressed trousers, and a charcoal-gray blazer that added a touch of sophistication and approachability to his ensemble.

Zane's attire was completed by a small, polished name tag pinned neatly to his lapel, bearing the title "Dr. Zane Devlin." It was a simple yet significant addition, a tangible symbol of his expertise and authority in his field.

Derek shifted in his seat, his jaw clenched as if the mere act of being here was a personal affront. But he knew as well as I did that if he didn't comply, I would leave. And he couldn't bear that, not when his pride and control were at stake.

"So, Grace," Zane began, his voice gentle yet firm, "why don't you start by telling us how you've been feeling lately?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, stealing a glance at Derek before focusing on Zane. "I feel... lost," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. "I don't know who I am anymore, or if I even have the strength to keep pretending that everything is okay."

Derek scoffed, a sound that cut through me like a knife. "Here we go again with the theatrics," he muttered under his breath.

But Zane heard him, his gaze unwavering as he redirected the conversation. "Derek, your wife is expressing her truth. It's important to listen and validate her feelings."

Derek bristled at the reprimand, but he remained silent, a simmering anger lurking beneath the surface.

I took a deep breath, gathering the courage to speak my truth, if only for my own sake. "I can't do this anymore, Derek," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "I can't keep pretending that everything is fine when it's not. I deserve better than this."

For a moment, there was silence, the weight of my words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. And then Derek spoke, his voice laced with bitterness and resentment. "And what about me, Grace? Don't I deserve a second chance?"

His words hit me like a punch to the gut, causing me to pause and consider his perspective. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I struggled to find the right words to respond. I finally spoke, my voice shaky but resolute. "Derek, I understand that you want another chance, but I've given you so many already. I can't keep sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of this relationship."

Taking a deep breath, I composed myself before continuing. "Derek and I have been facing significant challenges recently," I began, my voice steady and calm. "He engaged in infidelity with a colleague, which has deeply affected our relationship. While part of me feels overwhelmed and ready to walk away, I find myself grappling with conflicting emotions that prevent me from taking that step."

I wanted to tell the whole truth about how he abused me as well, but I knew that revealing that information would only complicate things further. It was a difficult decision to make, but I ultimately chose to focus on the infidelity as the main issue at hand in our relationship.

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