Chapter 46 - Negotiation Gone Wrong

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Caver stared at the cup that was now replaced with golden-hued water, it was something he had never expected to use, and neither did he expect it to be used on himself. He was a Demon King, a species completely separate from demons, unlike the other species. How could he dare to think of having children?


While the two thought that they could conceal the fact that they miraculously had two children somehow, word had already spread throughout the Demonic Realm of the spectacle, it was due to the demons who still remained in the garden yet just as far to not be in the Demon King's vicinity.

Now, if Cruel had come back to such news, he might've fainted already and perhaps even use his title as the Fourth Hero to use.

"How did this even happen?"

"I'm not sure myself..."

Deon and Caver sighed at the same time.

The albino man looked at Deceiver who suddenly flinched and clung to Deon before asking quite a surprising question.

"You won't dye your hair black permanently right?"

"..No? Why would I...?"

Deon could see Deceiver brightening up the moment he answered back. Why was he so happy that he said no? Maybe it was just a child's instinct in wanting to match with their parent, right? Surely it couldn't be for another reason.

Well, he'd be right to a certain degree. However, matching wouldn't be quite the correct term for it. Perhaps the refusal for him to be 'stained' would be a more correct term for Deon's analogy about what Deceiver wanted.

"Never have I ever thought that I would be teaming up with humans."

Who would even think that demons and humans would band together all because of a new entity that not even the Demon King knew about?

Tomorrow would be the day and first time that the negotiations between the Demonic Realm and Human Realm started, and Deon's debut as the Zeroth Corps Commander would be known to the world. The whole Demonic Realm and Human Realm would uncover that the hidden Zeroth Corps Commander was the Third Hero of the Empire this entire time.

A new future for the once doomed world, a new disaster forthcoming, and a new rising figure will all show in due time. It would be a history that not even Hana and Deceiver knew about, a future where Deon Hardt and perhaps even the Demon King would be alive.


"So this is the Empire, it's quite lively."

"If you ignore how loud and crowded it is, the Empire isn't as bad."

"Ah, really? I thought you liked living at my place more Arut."

Caver and Deon walked towards the gate of the Imperial Palace, they could see the guards immediately tensing up. Who would expect a Demon King to appear in front of the gates, moreover, demons couldn't trespass into the Human Realm.

The only way to do so was if the demon was in a contract or made a deal with a human, which the Demon King just so happened to have done.

Deon could hear the whispering among the servants and aristocrats gathered around in the Imperial Palace. It was no wonder why, this was the second time they had seen the Demon King as well as the first time seeing him in person.

'He really gives off such a mysterious and cold vibe..'

Seriously, it kind of sucked to have favorite characters that were pretty much antagonists or villains in the story. Well, he only liked most of the characters in novels he read for their appearance anyway. No, he definitely wasn't fixated on appearances at all, definitely not.

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