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Two days had passed, two successful days attending Hailsmith

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Two days had passed, two successful days attending Hailsmith. It has been precisely two days since I was hit with a barrage of perplexing visions that I simply couldn't fathom. Being a witch, I am well acquainted with visions, but this time, they seemed different and questionable. Given that witches' visions are not always 100% accurate, I decided to rule them out as something insignificant. However, a part of me couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to it than that. I couldn't just approach the guy and ask him to clarify the visions I had about him; that would be inappropriate and somewhat embarrassing. I mean, how do you even ask someone, "Hey, remember me, the one who returned your pen? I had these bizarre visions about you. Can you confirm if they are true or not?" Not an option. Nonetheless, to alleviate my concerns, I plan on reading up on the subject. Mother Maeve's book collection on our world is extensive, and I'm sure I'll find something that will help me make sense of these visions -

"Hello, Earth to Isodora," a hand waved in my sight, snapping me out of thought. Blinking twice, I turned my attention towards Nova.


"Finally! I've been calling your name for a while now."

Scratching the top of my head, I nervously laughed and said, "Yeah, sorry, I was lost in thought."

"Clearly," she said, squinting her eyes at me before they widened. "Don't tell me you're still upset about me eating the last bit of your ice cream. I've already apologized and promised to buy you more. Please just forgive me already!" She pouted and shook my shoulder slightly. Nova had eaten the small portion of ice cream I had been saving for a special occasion.

To say I was upset would be an understatement. I was furious and heartbroken. I even cried; it was a complete meltdown.

"Nova, I'm fine, and no, I'm not upset about the ice cream. Well, now, at least."

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me skeptically. I knew that look all too well; it was the same one she gave me whenever she thought I was lying. "Okay, if you say so," she eventually conceded with a shrug. I let out a deep sigh of relief, grateful that she had given up so quickly. Trying to explain the whole vision thing would have been difficult, especially since I didn't fully understand it myself.

As the sound of the bell echoed through the room, announcing the start of class, Mrs. Harrison walked in, accompanied by a towering figure. He stood behind her as they approached the long wooden desk. He towered over Mrs. Harrison, making her look tiny in comparison. The height of his was so shockingly tall that my knees ached for him.

"Woah, could he be a Va-"

"Nova, not now." Yes, she was still eagerly trying to spot a vampire. Her obsession would be her downfall, I fear.

Mrs. Harrison got everyone's attention by clearing her throat and slamming her cane on the ground.

"Settle down, students," the teacher commanded, her sharp eyes scanning the perimeter of the room. "Today's lesson will involve magic." Excited murmurs and exclamations rippled throughout the class. "I have brought one of my top students to assist me and help everyone when I can't." She gestured towards him. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" With a smile, he gave a short nod.

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