6 (part one)

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I tapped my fingers on the wooden desk, my gaze fixed on the ticking clock, impatiently watching as the minute hand inched towards 12:30

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I tapped my fingers on the wooden desk, my gaze fixed on the ticking clock, impatiently watching as the minute hand inched towards 12:30.






The bell rang, and before the teacher could say "dismiss," everyone was already out of their seats and out the door.

The period just before lunch always seemed to drag on the most, as if time slowed down intentionally to make us all more impatient for the upcoming break.

Entering the hallway, I quickly scanned my surroundings, searching for those familiar big brown-eyed pupils. Nova usually met me before lunch since my class was closest to the cafeteria.

"Isidora!" My head whipped around, and my eyes landed on Nova's small figure rushing towards me. She wasn't alone; beside her was a brunette with pink-dyed ends.

They stumbled to a halt in front of me, gasping for breath. "Hey, Nova, are we still on for lunch?" I asked, casting a questioning glance between her and the other girl. As she drew nearer, I could make out her features more clearly. She stood a little taller than Nova, with deep brown almond-shaped eyes and flawless ivory skin. Overall, she exuded a lovely and kind aura, and if she was hanging out with Nova, I had no doubt that she was.

"Yeah, of course. This is Polly. She invited us to sit with her and her friends for lunch. Polly, this is my sister Isidora."

"Hi," Polly greeted me with a five-fingered wave and a cheerful smile. Throwing her one back in return, "Hey, so... lunch with you and you're friends?" I started as the three of us turned to head to the cafeteria.

" They won't mind, right?"

"Not at all! We have a few grumpies, but they won't say a thing," she threw Nova and me a smile, whispering a quiet "like literally" to herself.

The cafeteria was as packed and noisy as usual, with everyone either seated at long blue bench tables or standing in groups. After we got our lunches, Polly took the lead. We could see her half-up, half-down hairdo as we zigzagged our way through the crowds.

Her movements came to a stop as we spotted a table tucked into a corner beside a tall framed glass window. The table was neither full nor empty; five people were engaged in their own conversations until Polly took a seat, followed by Nova and me.

"Hey, everyone! I hope it's okay if I bring a couple of friends to join us for lunch," Polly said. "This is Nova and her sister, Isidora," she continued, leading to a round of greetings.

"Sup, I'm Austin." Austin greeted us with a winning smile. He looked like a real charmer with his blonde hair styled in a side fringe and unique green-gray eyes. I also could tell that he was a werewolf. His aura was strong and reeked of dominance, which most werewolves do.

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