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The sky was the bluest I'd ever seen, and the soft white clouds littered it like light freckles; beneath my clean white socks was the healthiest green grass as I wiggled my toes, feeling the long green strands brush against them

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The sky was the bluest I'd ever seen, and the soft white clouds littered it like light freckles; beneath my clean white socks was the healthiest green grass as I wiggled my toes, feeling the long green strands brush against them. The breeze of the wind blew on my scalp, causing me to shiver at the sudden coldness. Staring straight across was a tall figure, a person, a man, yes, a figure of a man, stood still just a few feet away, staring at me as I was him. Long curled strands framed his face perfectly while stray pieces blew wildly with the wind.

Grey sweats clung seductively low on his lower half while his upper half was bare, defined, with skin like warm vanilla. He was beautiful, yet I couldn't make out his face. It was blurred entirely as if forbidden for my eyes to see, and still, I knew he was perfection. Something in me wanted to be closer-no I needed to be closer.

A strong desire to be near him, a lusty craving for his touch, compelled me to take a step forward and then another, one foot after the other until a ripple was heard that made me halt in my tracks. My brows furrowed, and cracks began to form, tearing the ground; I took another step.

The blue sky darkened to a dangerous orange; another step, the green grass withered into dust. It was warning me- no daring me to take another step, and so I did. My breath hitched before my foot could plant on the dreamy earth grounds. The cracks deepened, creating a large ravine. I took a safe step back, curiously peering down at the dark void. I leaned forward, staring straight into absolute nothing. An emotion in me rose; I didn't want to believe it, but the large dark hole of nothingness seemed connected to me, calling out to join in its emptiness as if it were fate.

That's when the rough push to my back confirmed it all. I fell slowly into the hands of the dark shadows. I couldn't scream or call out for help. Nothing came out as I repeatedly tried. No one came to save me, not even the man who was dripped with perfection.

A deep chuckle resonated from the dark shadows, whispering sickly into the void. "He's no longer yours," its voice echoed repeatedly, embedding into me a new emotion pushed forward. My eyes welled up with tears, blurring my vision completely. A part of me gone is what I felt, a loss is what overpowered my being as shadowed hands consumed me until I was utterly nothingness with it.

I shot up, drenched in sweat. My long pink outer-themed gown clung to my shaking body; rocking back and forth, I prayed out to Ezra as only she could cleanse me from this terrible, recurring nightmare.

"Please make it go away." My voice cracked, the exhaustion was heard and evident. I gripped my crystal necklace in my palm, pleading for it to bring me peace like my Grandmother said it would. She said she saw something dangerous brewing up in my future. That was what I retained before I ignored her nonsense rambles, and Ironically, after, I started receiving these nightmares, well, a very detailed specific nightmare that only proved the crazy witch point. Feeling the effect of the crystal taking hold of me, I sunk into its spell. A quiet yawn escaped my chapped lips. Closing my eyes, I fell into deep sleep.

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