April - Ghosts? Like Me?

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I don't see anything.

I don't hear anything.

I can't feel anything except for myself.

It's just darkness and emptiness.

"Hello?" I asked. I could hear myself. That's a good thing.

I could feel my body moving somewhere.

"GOOD GRIEF SHE TALKED!" A weird voice shouted.

How long have I been here? I think I'm going crazy.

"Huh?" I called.

I turned and went over things or something. What's going on?

A fire suddenly ignited in my face, I quickly flew back. "Woah!"

It light up the place- nope still a dark void, but with light.

There's nothing here. I'm in a literal void.

And the fire only helps see more things.

And a ghost was igniting that fire with his own hand.

"How you do that?" I asked, scooting away.

He laughed, "You've died for like what? A year? There is so much about the afterlife that you need to learn!"

His fire got larger and he threw it on the ground, revealing more ghosts here. Woah.

"Wait what?"

"Honey, welcome to the Phantom Pit. We all tried to scare and possess someone, and got sent here," An older woman ghost said behind me, I turned. She seems sweet.

"Human- Living human are fucked up," Another ghost, seem like in his adult age, said.

I backed away from all of these ghosts, "Can I... get some context?" It's getting weird.

"STORY TIME!!" Some younger girl yelled, "I'll go first!!! Oh we never get much new visitors!!!"

Someone behind me pushed me down and I was sitting on a chair- where did that come from? And people are surrounding the fire beside me. That girl stepped up.

"My name's Dorothy, I'm 13! And yet here I am! Turn out, I JUST made the cut for being a ghost, psh. I got kidnapped and killed and other worse things, all because of the living people," She said. "They know they live only for so long, so they do stupid things. THINK ABOUT HOW LONG I'VE BEEN HERE! OLDER THAN YOU!" She pointed at me.


"So as soon as I died, I decided to haunt them. I mean I'm a ghost, and ghost do scary things. No one can see me after all! But it's like there's a free time trial thing, I possessed the guy for 30 minutes. AND THEN I GOT KICKED OUT AND SENT HERE!" She scream agitated.

Her hair flow out as she flew up and down.

I thought that was over. I'm wrong. I'm in a play. So overly-dramatic, everyone.

"But hey, cool thing is, I can manipulate and control people at will, without having to possess them! BUT IT ONLY WORK ON THE LIVING, BARELY ON THE DEATH. WHAT'S THE POINT!"

I thought that was it. I'm very much wrong.

The older lady from earlier came up. Her hair in a bun and she has few wrinkles on her face. She look so kind.

"I'm Pauline, and I've been here since the wars. Well dead since the wars anyway. One day, they started a war, bombed my town, intrude my house, shot me and killed my children in front of my dying eyes!" She said, heartbroken, "Thankfully, they were young, and they don't have to be in the afterlife."

So the void is forever. There's no getting out.

"I tried to haunt them, didn't really work. I can inflict pain on them though. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Then I tried to possess them and you guessed it, it sent me here."

Wait... they all have some sort of powers. That cause harm to the human yes, but power! WHY AM I MISSING OUT?

The next guy was the fire guy. "I'm Cassius and I was burned by the stake by the town people who believed the gods want greater sacrifices than goats and sheeps. Even our fair king agreed. So when I possessed the king, I was about to execute somebody, but I got sent here instead!"

His toga suggest he's from ancient Rome or Greece.

The last guy was the sad guy. He got shaggy hair and stubble. "I'm Bob and I-"

"NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU BOB!" Dorothy screamed, "YOU TELL US THE STORY EVERYDAY!" She turned to me, "So he exploded into pieces in the nuclear place he worked at because his co-workers did something wrong. He can explode stuff."

"Cool," I said.

So they have powers related to their death. I mean sure it's probably only to harm human and only work on human, which don't exist in the void. But I want powers too.

"Okay, what about you?" Pauline asked me.

"Um... I'm Dolores but I've been going by April, that's the month I died. I basically killed myself-"

"So much for hating human business if your death isn't their fau- OW" Bob started but got smacked in the head by Pauline.


"Well.... I possessed this one guy, cause I thought it could save him-"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH YOU WANT TO SAVE A HUMAN?" Dorothy screamed, "After all they had done to you? They're the reason you died!"

"Let her finish," Pauline lectured, glaring at her.

"Yeah so I did that and then I tried to save these few other people-"

"WHY DO YOU WANT TO HELP THEM?" Bob screamed at me.

Some human are good. Not sure about others. Yeah, a lot of humans are bad, they're not wrong there.

Why am I talking about them as if they're a whole different species? Ghost is just a term for a phase in the afterlife.

"Cause one of them really helped me-"

"They want something back. All human do. You stay here long enough, and you will see it too," Cassius told me. "Or lose your mind."

"NOW JUST WAIT A MINUTE, WE NEED TO CHAT" Bob screamed, shooing me away.

Pauline smiled apologetically, "Don't worry hun, we just need a little discussion. There are a lot of other ghosts in the void if you want to talk to them."

I took the fire in my hand (because I can) and floated away, far from them. It's true there are other ghosts here, alone or with a friend. They all stares at me with my fire. They probably think I burned.

Eventually I found a little girl alone, hugging herself. That's strange, you have to be 13 and up to be a ghost. Why is she here? Poor little thing.

I can closer, noticing how her hair is shaped like mine and how she looks kind of like me as a kid. Well, pale because she's a ghost. We're all white as a sheet of paper here.

But.... Carly?

"Hey... are you okay?" I asked her.

She shy away from the fire. Well I need it or else I can't see.

"I'm fine!" She snapped.

"Well you don't seem fine-"

"I said I'm FINE!" She snapped louder, scooting away from me. I sighed and sat down next to her.

What's her story?



yooooooo im not even finished the first draft or editing but YOOOOOO NEW CONCEPT IDEA JUST SPARK IN MY BRAIN-

too bad i created too much problems


Ghost Friends (First Draft - In Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora