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                    THE NURSERY:


marjorie and reece both woke up at 5am. they quickly ate, just incase, and got ready quickly. then they headed to the nursery. reece drove them.

"i dont know how you have the energy to do a full face of makeup this early marjorie." reece spoke

"i dont, i wouldnt be suprised if half on it isnt blended in. i normally fix it up once i get into the office."

the first children come in bright and early at 7am. some of them staying til 7pm! marjorie was always first, then followed by charlotte, winter and autumn. the rest of the staff came later. jodie of course coming last. each day she had a different ailment causing her to be late.

the first thing marjorie did was send out a staff breifing. stateing which child was in, dietary requirements and what times they all left. it was a painfully boring taskm but it had to be done.

the first thing reece did, on the other hand, was have a coffee. he was far less productive than marjorie on a morning. he too was the first in. but that was only because marjorie made sure of it.



god these early mornings kill me. i was dying for a lie in this morning but god reece can make some racket when brushing his teeth! i only had a breakfast bar and i was starving. normally we nipped to the shop before but reece decided he would take what felt like three hours to get changed.

something was constantly on my mind. for the first time in a few days i was going to be alone in my house. reece only stayed over at weekends, so we wouldnt accidentally have a late night together. if you know what i mean. but since the whole kenny saga happened i was just so fortunate to have reece beside me. incase anything, god forbid, would happen.

i heard the door unlock, it was char. and thank god as i needed to speak to her. she headed straight to my office as normal and i told her to sit down.

"char i need your help." i pulled a concered face to emphasise my point. a trick autumn had taught me.

"marjorie whats happened.?" charlotte now looked concerned

"basically. remember kenny? on saturday he came to my house and pinned me against the wall. and then he said some things to me and started touching me so i pulled away. i told aututmn and i thought nothing of it. but it happened again. i went to the shop and he grabbed my arms and held me against the wall again. and touching me again. and i just dont know what to do." majorie explained.

"marjorie. this is serious. this is on the lines of sexual assault. if hes touching you inappropriately, ands its unwanted, it is sexual assault. if you arnt going to report it please just tell reece." charlotte was extremely concered about this.

"unless kenny shows up to the nursery, i am not telling reece. no way. he will kill him. and i can not live alone again, char. i feel so vulnerable when hes not here anyway never mind permenantly."

"okay marjorie. i understand. but if you are feeling unsafe you need to tell reece. dont tell him why, just let him know." charlotte hugged marjorie. she was really worried about her.



charlotte left the room but she knew if within a week marjorie had not told reece she would have to tell him herself. she didnt care what marjorie said. charlotte cared so dearly about marjorie. she would not let anything bad happen to her. no matter what. she looked up to marjorie for her bravery.

at 6:59am autumn came in. a minute before she would have been late. she was really pushing it.

"hello autumn, how are you?" marjorie smiled.

"good, hows my brother. ive remember you telling me about his disgustinly romantic behaviour." autumn rolled her eyes. she couldnt stand her brother lovey dovey behaviour. even if it made marjorie happy, it freaked her out.

"awhh autumn with the brotherly love" marjorie laughed.


"anyway. i told you about before saturday. but yesterday autumn he did the hottest thing ever. he said how much he loved mean girls. it sent shivers down my spin aut."

"marjorie the things you like disgust me." autumn was deadly serious.

"shut up aut"


                          7:30 am
   all of the early children had come in
             and started breakfast:

autumn stayed in the office, but marjorie wanted to come out and watch the kids whilst they ate. even though she was happy with her manageiral role she always loved going back into the nursery. she used to work as a nursery teacher, but then she was offered a role she simply just could not turn down. but, whenever spare staff were needed for half a day, she would always go into the rooms instead of bringing in agency staff.

"mornin' winter, how are you today?" marjorie smiled.

"good. everything is good." winter walked away. he had a limp...


                 BACK IN THE OFFICE:

"autumn you best be having me on" marjorie laughed


"winter is limping. all this about im disgusting for watching films with my boyfriend! yet winter comes in limping!"

autumn just rolled her eyes. here and marjorie knew exactly why winter was hobbling around the nursery.


they did work for afew hours, and then at 11:30am autumn looked out the window. marjories situation has just gotten even worse.

"marjorie. i dont want to alarm you, well i do but not in this situation. anyway, kenny is stood in the carpark looking through the window.."

autumn never showed concern in her voice. but she was very concered. the one person she looked up to in the world was being hurt by the man less than 50 feet away.

"marjorie. you have to ring reece. he you dont have to tell him about the other events just please phone him. he will (try to) understand. and if i warn him he will not hurt him. just scare him." autumns tone changed from her usual saracastic voice to serious in the space of 30 seconds.

"okay i will call him.. but i will tell him on the phone why he needs to come." marjorie hesitated but then she picked up the phone and dialled in rhe sister nurserys number.


on the phone:

"hello the nursery, this is reece speakin-"

"reece its marjorie. you need to come over right now. please dont freak out. kenny is stood staring through the window at me in the carpark.." marjorie said with urgency in her voice.

"im gonna kill him. marjorie im coming over."

"no reece please dont hurt him. i cant have you in jail because-" marjorie was about to say what had happened.

"because what? marjorie please tell me. has this happened before."

"oh reece yes it has. when i went to the shop. he pinned me against the wall and caressed my body. i hated it. and he did it before that time when i told you a lost delievery man was at the door." marjorie felt better for just telling him

"im going to kill him." reece said angrily. he hung up the phone and headed to the nursery.


1240 words ♡

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