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"mia im leaving you." i said hurridly and just walked out. i cant deal with her today. i heard smashes, and then a car speeding down the highway. i had to ring my love. i needed to warn of the chaos going to errupt. i was terrified for her, yet i knew aut would come to her rescue. i dialed in her number and clicked ring. i prayed to god she would pick up.


i walked in all flustered. still in upmost shock.

"how was the seminar" autumn could read me like a book, she knew what had happened.

"it was good, we cleared afew things up" i winked hoping she would get the memo.

then the phone rang. i knew who it was without even picking up. it was reece. he told me about mia trashing his office. and how she was heading for me.

"still think im worth all the agro" i could tell reece was pulling that smirk he does.

"you had better be good where it counts."

"im phenomenal where it counts.." reece knew exactly what he was doing. i felt a hot sensation encapsure my body. oh how he is so hot. i bit my lip, i just couldnt contain how i felt. oh how i wanted to be with him right that second. i threw my head back. then i answered him.

"im going to show you what phenomenal actually looks like, i will see you later."

i still felt flustered. autumn just laughed. but then her laughs turned to concern.

"marj. she has smashed your car to smitherins."

i could tell this wasnt just going to be a light-hearted chat.



mia stormed in. shoving carly out of the way and kicked open the office door. she dead-eyed marjorie. this wasnt going to be pretty.

"marjorie. i guess you already know. oh autumn how are you! i havent seen you since prom. im sorry about that, didnt turned out amazing did it? my sincerest sorrow goes out to you. seems time hasnt done you kindly has it? 15 years no contact with your big bro!! you can thank me for that hun."

autumn did the look. "time hasnt done you well has it though, bless you. not as pretty as you once was.

mia tutted, it bothered her slightly but was she hell going to tell them that.

"so marjorie. you are very welcome by the way. i did a good job on your car, well if thats what you can call it after i have demolished it. ive heard you and my reecey are together." mia craved attention, she needed them to react badly to that.

"oh mia. you are really an attention-seeking bitch arent you! you really think you can take us on. i mean you arent the biggest ive come up against. ive seen toddlers in the toddler room stronger than you."

autumn laughed as marj said that. aut loves marjorie. she really looks up to her. they were total opposites, but the greastest pair in the nursery.

"oh please, i could so easily take you on-" mia fell head first to the ground. crashing down to the floor. it was winter! of all people winter knocked her to the floor. he popped his head in waved and carried on with his day. marjorie and autumn just broke out in a laughing fit.

"autumn, theres someone i need to go and see."

"oh of course, go get yur man gurll!! but please just dont let it escalate. remeber its a nursery." she knew what she was saying. last time her and winter let it escalate, she 'did it' within the proximity of her father! ifykyk



i sorted out my car with the police and walked to the sister nursery. thank god it was only a 10 minute walk. i saw reece in the baby room and then we clocked eyes. oh how sexy he looked helping out with the babies. he came over and i went red, but only at the cheeks. i ran over and hugged him tight. he was wearing his jumper and oh god it smelt gorgous.

"hey you, i see you walked here. whats she done with yur car dare i ask." he knew what was happening he just hoped to god it wasnt what he thought.

"she smashed it in, all four tires bust and tbh it looks awful. then she came in and started having a right go at me. but winter shoved her over so now im here." i smiled and rolled my eyes.

"oh you look so hot when you roll your eyes." he did the smirk that makes me feel flustered.

"reece you are so hot when you do that" i looked into his eyes. we kissed for a good 30 seconds. it was the best kiss in my whole life.

"marj i think if we do more it might esclate and well grounds abit gravelly for that" reece laughed

"and public"

"oh, im not really bothered about that my darling." reece did the grin AGAIN.

"reece. i know we have had our ups and downs but i want you to know i really do love you. from your first day i saw you and felt butterflies. when i thought you didnt feel the same i cried. earlier today at the seminar, i thought you hated me. i felt like crying. yet when you said 'the women i love' i knew from that moment on i would spend the rest of my life with you. no matter what reece. i love you. no one can tear us apart."

reece looked at me and held me.

"marjorie. i love you too." his whispers in my ear sent shivers down my spine. i didnt care if anyone saw us. all i wanted was to be with him. and let him hold me. all my sorrows would go.


i know this is quite short but lmk what parts you would like too see next!

1012 words ♡

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