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last night was amazing.  i just hope i didnt do anything stupid. i remeber going to sleep on the sofa, reece must have moved me upstairs. bless. i know for a fact i barely had ought to drink. god i am such a lightweight. only thing is i now i feel rough.  i heard reece down stairs cooking. i remember him taking me home last night, so i knew he was basically sober. i went on instagram and saw jodies story. bless her someone told her lemonade was 50% alchohol. god she is daft. and then i saw the just dance videos. i saved them all. i burst out laughing watching reece do timber with carly. he seriously was good at it though. and then i saw my solo. god thats embarassing. atleast i actually kinda of ate that up, i guess.


i headed downstairs to make marjorie breakfast before she had even woken up. i knew today would be a pyjama day. i was thankful, though, i could spend the whole day with marjorie and just watch tv and hug. i wanted to take care of her though, she only had 5 glasses. but to her thats like 2 bottles of straight vodka one after the other. i made toast with jam and butter on, strawberries, raspberries and a glass of orange juice. i heard she had awakened so i headed up stairs.


"hello darling, how are you?" reece said as he opened the door.

"abit delicate. the last proper night out i had was along time ago" marjorie said

reece laughed "oooh you dirty stop out"

"shut up! anyway, what ya brought up?"

"just some toast" reece blushed

"awhh you cutie, thank you"

reece got into the bed and they ate together whilst watching the news. not very romantic, yet very informative. after that, marjorie asked what film to put on

"how about something you would like, mean girls" reece suggested knowing full well means girls was his all time fav movie. he was such a teenage girl at times..

"sounds good, mean girls it is." marjorie said.

"grool. i meant to say cool but started saying great.." reece knew what he did. he just hoped marjorie didnt get that means girls reference.

marjorie screamed

"uhmmm... ive watched it one or two times." reece muttered.

"reece. you know mean girls. you cant get that refence from just watching it once or twice."

"okay ive watched it more than that. so what? it came out when i was a youg man and truthfully i found daimien really funny.." reece went so red.

marjorie bit her lip. to others, that would be an ick. but to her it is the sexiest thing she had ever heard. a man knowing mean girls was amazing. especially because it was reece.

"marjorie what are you doing why are you biting your lip.?"

"because that might just be the sexiest thing you have ever done.." marjorie looked him in the eye

"even sexier than the thing i did the other night..?"

"even sexier than that reece."

"i almost got lock jaw from that... so you are telling me all i needer to say was wednesdays we wear pink? reece smirked

"OMG OMG. reece just kiss me right now" marjorie was so flustered.

they kissed for a good few minutes and then put mean girls on. for the whole film they just cuddled. reece more-than-less knew all the lines. from time to time he quoted different scenes making marjorie blush.


when the film had finished, they finally got up and ready. reece put on an large sweater and jeans. marjorie put on joggers and a long sleeve top. she needed to nip to the shop for afew bits and bobs for tommrow. she could wait to tell autumn about reeces mean girls obbsession. it really would make her laugh.

marjorie cleaned for abit and then headed to the shop round the corner.

"reece, need anything im just gonna shop?" marjorie asked.

"just get us both some treats for later, but no alcohol cos its work tommrow" reece laughed

"okay darling, bye!"

marjorie headed to the shop. she bought some haribos, chocolate and some pop (if yur not frm uk that is soda/coke) and headed back out. and to her shock, there stood kenny killerman.


"hello marjorie, no where to run now is there.." kenny did a sinster laugh.

"kenny please go away." marjorie tried to leave but he pulled on her arm.

"not so fast i want to talk. so marjorie. how are you and reece. cant be good if you are on yur own?"

"kenny we are fine." marjorie, once again, tried to go home. kenny pinned her to the wall. marjorie froze.

"nope, not going anywhere. oh arnt you just so lovely to look at.. if i was with you i would be with you whenever. and wherever you were. i am always here marjorie. wether you like it or not. i will always be here." reece touched marjorie trying to caress her cheek. he held her thigh and stroked her upper chest area.

"kenny please. please get off" marjorie shoved away and ran. she ran until she got home. once again she didnt tell reece. but she would tell charlotte, she told autumn last time but if she told her it happened again she would kill him. litterally.

marjorie got home, wiped her tears and went into reece.

"hiya darling, you okay you took longer than usual." reece was concered.

"yes, i just bumped into someone."

"oh okay good, have you got the goods?" reece chuckled.

"of course i have" she said whilst chucking him the sweets and pop.(soda/fizzy drink/coke)

marjorie sat down with him. he had ordered a chinese from the local, which was going to arrive soon.



"reece im going to bed, i have to be up at half five tommrow."

"okay marge, good night my love" he smiled at her, hugged and kissed her and let her go to bed.


i know the end of the chapter was shit, i just had no motavation, sorry! lmk if you got the grool reference frm mean girls !!

1057 words ♡

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