11. Helena.

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They leaned forward in a unison movement, breathing air in, awaking from this horror, sat on the bed, looked at each other with the big eyes.

"Jesus. That was...horrific." Terry's face was distorted by the horror, and she casually thought that Edith's face, it seems, was as scared as her. "I can't believe that was just a dream, and we have really woken up."

"Y-yeah," Edith was shaking slightly, "it was so... Too damn real, too damn depressive."

It was a morning already, and the gray, cold light was crawling into the room through the windows; all the colors seemed muted a little bit, and Terry shuddered, imagining that they aren't escaped yet.

"You're okay?" Edith was looking at her with an anxiety.

"I... I need to take a look. I have a bad feeling." Terry stood up and went to the window, Edith followed her. They stood, tightly snuggling, as if they were trying to convince themselves that they were still alive.

But what they saw in the window forced them to freeze.

The sky was of a muted, dirty color, only distantly resembles the clean blue they're gotten used to. It wasn't that gray, as it was in their cryptic dream, but it was far from normal. Terry felt that she was about to go into a panic spree, and Edith, by how she was looking, wasn't any better.

Someone of us should take clear head, or we screwed. This thought rushed through her brain, she forced herself to breathe slower. Four in, pause, four out. Finally, she felt that her mind got into a kind of balance.

"Edith, look at me," Terry said in a firm voice, "come on, girl, we need to take ourselves together."

Edith slowly turned to her, her look was a bit crazy. "You know what is that?"

"No clue. But look, there is an end," Terry pointed out to the window, "look, see?"

"No, where?" Edith was looking in the direction of the finger, and then she saw it. "Oh. Well, not the closest one."

On the horizon, way out of the city, there was a line of clean, beautiful blue sky, shining on the background of dirty color of sky over them.

It was so strange to see no one around, not even an animal, even birds were nowhere to be seen. Everything was in place, it was more like everyone left everything as it was, stood and went away immediately. And no sounds, aside from their own. It seemed that all the sounds and colors were kind of muted. They were walking without talking as well, like if they were afraid to break the silence, but after some time, Terry just couldn't stand it anymore.

"If I will continue to be silent, I will yell. Let's talk? Anything."

Edith glanced at her, while they were walking by the empty street they used to remember as pretty populated. "Can relate, but nothing comes to mind. Wanna talk about our dream, maybe?"

Terry shivered. "Not the most pleasant theme, but whatever. I'm still thinking about one thing," she paused to get her thoughts together, "I was a quite unfamiliar person to myself. Y'know, even my thoughts were different, aggressive...perhaps? Like, you know... I wasn't just swearing out loud, I was also swearing in my mind, constantly."

"You don't have to remember, if you don't want to."

"No, I have to. I want to figure myself out. I'm thinking if it was a b-side of me? I dunno, a part of me that's just keen to take a simple route down to the pit?"

Edith lost in her mind for a moment, then shook her head. "It might be, but does it really matter? What are you doing in a real life is way more important than your dreams, if it even was a dream and not something else we don't understand yet."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 03 ⏰

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