4. Esztergom.

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As soon as they boarded off the train, Terry felt a thin, almost non-existent scent, very similar to that strange scent she felt before. This time it was everywhere, though, enveloping everything around, but she quickly got used to it.

Esztergom, though, was nice by itself. Small, lovely, with a narrows streets and the castle overseeing the city. Terry quickly felt herself at home, while Edith, it seemed, was a bit nervous. Emily, on the other hand, behaved like an experienced guest, and immediately led them somewhere uphill.

"You've been here already." Terry didn't ask, it was a statement. "Many times," Emily replied, looking forward and under the feet. "It's a nice place, but today we have a goal." 

Castle grew up over them, when they got closer, and a scent became more prominent, but she was still yet to identify it. At the castle, she led them to the small, hidden door at the side and knocked at it.

"Emily." The man left a formal nod. 

"Janosh." She nodded in reply. "Terry, Edith." 

They all went deeper into the castle by the dimly lit stone corridor, until they finally ended in the cozy, spacious room, where they sat in the armchairs; Janosh remained standing.

"Janosh, we need Alexander. Or, better, Adelhaide."

"She is not here," said he with a shrug. "I'll find Alexander."

"No need, I'm already here." A new voice came from the door, and a tall man went into the room. Oh, wow. I feel myself a dwarf. 

He was tall indeed, and even Emily with her 180 was probably a head shorter. More than that, he had a deep, extremely perceptible voice. Terry noted how Emily and Alexander quickly glanced at each other, she looked at Edith and realized that she also picked it up.

"We need Adelhaide. You have my report," Emily decided to cut to the chase.

"The situation is...complex," he agreed, "but you know her. She is windy, today she is here and tomorrow she is in Mexico or wherever else." He told it with a good grace. "I already sent a signal. It will take time, though."

"How long, do you recon?"

Terry and Edith were glancing between Alexander and Emily.

"Month. Maybe more. She is in Spain, but she is deep in her," he grimaced for an instant, "retreat."

"You're not helping." She shrugged. "Whatever. Could have a call instead."

"That's rude of you, Emily." He, it seemed to Terry, became a little angry. "That's..." He stopped short. "My apologies, ladies. We got carried away. Emily, we'll talk later, if you don't mind."

"If you say so," shrugged she again.

"While we're on these rails, why it's so long for Adelhaide to return?" With the childish curiosity asked Edith, Terry endorsed. Emily and Alexander exchanged glances again. "Tell 'em, Alexander."

Adelhaide wasn't just an ordinary witch, and while it was expected, the next piece shocked them. "She is immortal. It might sound beyond belief, but it's true. She was born centuries ago. She died many times, but she is always returning." Alexander was dead serious. "On my memory, it happened twice."

"That's interesting, but still, why—"

"Because," Alexander picked her question right in the middle, "she is old. Centuries are putting pressure on her. To maintain sanity, she had to make a sort of retreat, when she is blocking her memory and just living a usual life somewhere else. When we need her, we have a way to pull her out, but it takes time."

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