Chapter 7

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Maybella's POV


I watched the most magnificent and gigantic building get closer as the car came to a stop. We were just a few feet away, but only a short walk and a climb from what looked to be the main entrance of his home...

I'm not exaggerating when I say it was humongous... Like, insanely gigantic, and gorgeous too!... They even have a stupid long ass fucking pathway—It leads directly to the gates, and then onto the pretty bridge, across the lake, and into the capital... And here I was thinking that the Duke's palace was extravagantly grand and elegant... I've never seen something so grand that it reeks of pure, "powerful and rich." But that's nobility for you, and this is the capital city.

Malcolm, because that's his stupid name, took it upon himself to get out of the car and close the door before I could get out too. He then had the audacity to round to the other side—my side, and opened the door for me... I thought it was a nice make-up gesture... but when I tried to get out, he stopped me at the last moment and instead of letting me just hop out, he picked me up. He actually forcefully lifted and carried me out of the car! I didn't even get a chance to fight back, I was too surprised...

"Huh, you're quite light, Little Thing~" I would've punched him in the jaw if his super buff driver wasn't giving me evil looks, warning me not to. I'd punch him too if there was a way I wouldn't die from being hit back.

"Put me down!" I happened to yell at Malcolm's face, which he didn't seem too fond about... He ignored me. I didn't give up though, I repeatedly tried again, asking him in friendlier ways to release me, yet it still didn't work. He had ignored me the whole way into the palace while he held a tight grip on me.

To be honest, I was quite comfortable... Malcolm had caged me into his chest by using his forearms to support under my bum, while his other hand supported my back. He was smart enough to situate me so my legs were pressed against his abdomen where there wasn't an opportunity to kick him. It also gave me free reign to look wherever I liked as he walked us up the stairs.

You know, I was just thinking... This place is way too fancy to be just a high ranking nobles home... There's a huge bridge—and a lake that separates this huge place from the capital city... Who is this guy??—gasp—Is he some creep that kidnaps kids and brings them to his home to murder? Is he one of the suspects Father had in mind??... I bet he's the guy.

I now realize that Malcolm was actually helping me by carrying me up the stairs... There's so many that it would've taken me ages to climb on my own... I was still confused though... There were several servants that lined the rails of the stairs with their heads bowed in respect and stood in scary silence...

The female servants were on the left, dressed in long dark blue dresses and short white aprons, their hair were in low buns and covered... While the male servants wore the dark blue colour as trousers and matching suit vests with a white button up shirt underneath, and with a bright red neck tie... They stood on the right side of the stairs...

"Welcome home, His Royal Highness! Prince Malcolm of Rigolsia," They all seemed to say in unison. Either way, I giggled as we continued walking... Malcolm smiled but didn't say anything and kept walking... People here are funny~


Word of advice, never laugh if you hear, "His Royal Highness! Prince of Rigolsia," you could get in really bad trouble... Just like I almost did. Some head servant backhandedly reprimanded me. She assumed I was, "just some poor commoner after the Royal family's wealth." She couldn't be any more incorrect, or bitchy. But whatever, I'm undercover right now.

DADDY.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon