Chapter 8

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Maybella's POV


... Have you ever met the entirety—or well most if not all of your unknown family members at once?? Family you didn't even know existed?... Well, I just did. And apparently, I'm of Royal blood too. My Mother was a Princess before she married my Father and became the Royal Duchess— Oh and her Mother? The first Queen married to the King of Rigolsia! Can you believe that?!

Like, Pshh—Of course I knew my Mother was a princess... I just never connected the dots... I'm not sure what I was thinking, but definitely not that she was a princess of this kingdom! Making me and all my brothers and sisters blood related Royal Grandchildren of the current King, and nieces and nephews to the current Heirs to the throne! We're basically royalty by extension~

... But I don't feel very Royal... At least not with everyone giving me dirty looks... They're looking at me as if I'm some dirty smelly parasite that asked to be here. I couldn't help but frown back at them questioningly. I mean, come on, we're not children—well... I am... but they're not!

I'm sitting in probably one of the most wanted and highly honourable spots at this table, in the world really, looking at everyone sitting down and waiting to eat as even more dragons fill the empty spots... There are quite a lot of powerful energies radiating off everyone, it's honestly quite frightening... I was especially really scared when the Queens were the last few to enter the room and sat across from Mother, me, and Father.

Though they didn't seem as powerful as some of the dragons here, they made up for it with their behaviour. They were dignified, graceful, and they're presence alone demanded respect. And to make it as if I were in a fairy tale, each one of them were gorgeous in their own ways...

For starters, Queen Amelia~ She's the first Queen and has the most power and recognition within the kingdom, after the King of course... She's the true Queen and Mother of the kingdom, everyone loves her! The reason for that is the all too famous love story of the King and Queen, and how he fell in love with her when they were young dragons and vowed to be with each other forever.

Unofficially, they even got married before the King went off to fight for the kingdom, since he was the Crown Prince at the time, and when he came back, he married her instantly before the Queen Dowager could do anything! Nothing could separate them! Not even the King's Mother could separate them with her cheap petty tricks. Even the Kingdom wouldn't allow it! They were loyal to the two lovers and continue to show their support for them to this day!

She's also my Grandmother, making her my Mother's Mother... At least now I know where the white hair comes from, however, the tan golden skin comes from the King... But as I quite openly and boldly stare at the Queen's matching emerald green to cyan blue eyes, I can't help but look at my own eyes in the reflection of the room temp glass of water in front of me... I must've gotten them from her, Mother too... They were beautiful... They were clear and full of dazzling life, whereas mine... mine looked dull and void of that clear glossy sparkle... In comparison, mine were nothing.

Queen Amelia is gentle. She is kindhearted... and fierce. There is not a day where her good deeds are not spread among the kingdom or printed in the daily news... Just last week, news spread of her feeding the war stricken countries personally and building shelters close by the city so they wouldn't die of heatstroke... She truly is generous, all while being the most elegant and most dutiful dragon I have ever seen before! Besides Mother, which I guess is who she learned it from...

Maybe she'll teach me?... Nahh~ that's so far fetched~

Queen Lillian, the second Queen. She was the second to sit at the table and probably the most dishonourable one here... Everyone knows the horrid story behind her becoming the second Queen. She schemed her way to the throne using her Father's weak connections, as he was only an Earl in name. She had drugged the King at a ball, staging a one night stand with him resulting in her "losing her innocence," which was long gone already if the rumours were true, and "accidentally" getting caught by her Father the next morning in the King's bed.

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